Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Bitachon 189 - Moshiach's Success is Hashem's

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim passuk 7. Dovid Hamelech - the anointed of Hashem - speaks of the fact that he is a symbol of the way Hashem deals with those who trust in Him. He asks that Hashem always give him strength and success, even as he gets old and his natural strength wanes - so that all will see and take to heart that Hashem is the strength behind all his successes.

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Running time: 19:53

Friday, December 27, 2024

Mikeitz - Will Moshiach Really Come?

Why did Yosef get forgotten for two years and languish in jail, despite the salvation seeming to be so close? 'Who could have waited' for him to get out of jail? How does this parallel the story of Avraham and Sarah who waited so long for children? How does this theme repeat in the lives of Rus, Dovid, and the Jewish people themselves? What is the Keitz - the defined end - and how can it be that all of evil will be totally destroyed?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:03

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Bitachon 188 - Hold On 'Til the End

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim pesukim 5 and 6. Dovid Hamelech speaks of the faith he had starting as a small child - the rejection of his family, which was a great trauma - was an opportunity for him to develop greater Bitachon in Hashem. He held onto this faith throughout the times of darkness, until he ultimately reached the light.

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Running time: 21:14

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Vayeshev - Moshiach Unfolds Quickly

What is the meaning of the details of the dream of the Sar Hamashkim (cupbearer) of Pharaoh that were not explained in Yosef's interpretation? Why did Yosef interpret that dream positively while interpreting the baker's dream negatively? What is represented by the vine and three branches, as well as the quick flowering, budding and ripening of the grapes? Why does it say the word 'cup' four times in this context? What is the idea of the Cup of Salvations for the Jewish people, alongside the Cup of Retribution for the nations of the world? What are represented by the three baskets and the upper basket of the dream of the baker?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:57

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Bitachon 187 - Israel Starts as the West Ends

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim, now moving on to pesukim 5 and 6. Here Dovid Hamelech speaks of the faith he had starting as a small child, which parallels the faith of the Jewish people as they are in their infancy, developing as a nation in Egypt. This faith sustains us until the end of time where the people of Israel rise on the 'heels,' or the ultimate downfall of the world of Esav - the West.

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Running time: 22:05


Friday, December 13, 2024

Vayishlach - 600,000 Angels of Protection

Why were the angels dancing in circle formation as Yaakov returned to Israel? What is the significance of the fact that there 600,000 of them? What is the idea of the 'encampment' of these angels that serves as a chariot for the manifestation of Hashem's Divine Presence? Why does Yaakov send some of these angels to his brother Esav? How do these angels parallel the amount of Jews who were standing at Har Sinai to receive the Torah and at Yam Suf when the sea split? How do these same angels manifest in the times of Elisha Hanavi? Why is Yaakov concerned when Shimon and Levi decimate the inhabitants of Shechem and say that 'we don't yet have 600,000 members of Am Yisrael?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:06

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Bitachon 186 - Moshiach Rises From Chaos

We continue our discussion of the passuk in Tehillim 71 passuk 1 which includes a prayer that we not be embarrassed forever, just as we request in the bracha of Al Hatzadikim. This lack of embarrasment indicates that both individually and nationally (with the advent of Moshiach), we are raised up to a position of honor as our enemies all fall into chaos to the point that they can no longer pose a threat to us.

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Running time: 24:14

Friday, December 6, 2024

Vayetzei - Moshiach Comes Early

Why did the sun set early as Yaakov left his parents' home and headed into exile? Why did Yaakov have to leave Israel in order to find his wives and start his family, whereas his father Yitzchak stayed and his wife was brought to him? What is the significance of the sun setting early as Yaakov is chased by Esav? Why is Yaakov called 'the Sun?' Why are the two hours of the sun's early setting 'returned' to Yaakov when he comes back to Israel? How do these occurrences parallel the exile and redemption of the Jewish People? Why is Yaakov called the 'day' while Esav is called the 'night?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:38

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Bitachon 185 - Torah Merits Moshiach

We study Tehillim chapter 71 passuk 1 which speaks of the fact that we trust in Hashem and we will not be embarrassed forever. One understanding of this is that as we go through the challenges of Exile, we accept them and thereby merit to experience redemption. It is also the merit of the Torah that brings Moshiach.

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Running time: 19:43

Friday, November 29, 2024

Toldos - Moshiach's Secret Clothing

What were the 'desired clothes' that Esav wore when he served his father Yitzchak? Why did Yaakov wear them when he came in to steal the brachos (blessings)? Why did Esav kill Nimrod in order to get them? What is the significance of the fact that they were the original clothes of Adam and Eve that Hashem had tailor made for them? How did they parallel (in a lower dimensional way) the 'clothes' of Adam before the sin? How did Nimrod misuse them? How was Esav able to fool Yitzchak into thinking he was righteous with these garments? Why did the suddenly have 'the smell of the Garden of Eden' when Yaakov wore them? How are these very garments Moshiach's 'secret clothing?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 36:15

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Bitachon 184 - When Israel Prospers All Prosper

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 69 passuk 7, which speaks of Dovid Hamelech's request of Hashem that he and the people of Israel should prosper and succeed so that all those who trust in Hashem will know that they have upon Whom to rely.

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Running time: 23:02

Friday, November 22, 2024

Chayei Sarah - The Big Picture

What is the idea behind Hashem 'knowing the days of the whole ones?' Why do we find that when both Avraham and Sarah die, the Torah implies that their days were very full? What is their 'inheritance that lasts forever? What is the concept of the righteous knowing about their reward just before they pass on from this world? What are the 13 'rivers of persimmon' that were the 'reward' for the great Amora, R' Abahu? Why was he nervous that he would not have reward, and how was he calmed from his fears?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:10

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Bitachon 183 - Israel's Enemies Fall Fast

We study together the 64th chapter of Tehillim, and focus in on the last passuk. Dovid Hamelech speaks of the great joy of the tzadik as he watches the downfall of his hidden enemies who try to covertly shoot their arrows at him - Hashem personally takes them down. This triumph is not only his, but belongs also to all of those who walk on the straight path.

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Running time: 20:36

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Call of Moshiach 8 - Troubled Times Moshiach Signs

We begin the first chapter of the sefer Eim Habonim Semecha, which addresses the issue that the author faced as he suffered the tribulations of the plight of Jewry during the Holocaust - why does it seem that Moshiach must come with such great suffering? Can Moshiach come without suffering? Is great difficulty a sign of the imminent arrival of the age of Moshiach?

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Running time: 22:13

Friday, November 15, 2024

Vayera - Cataclysmic World Events

Why were the cities of Sodom and Amora being destroyed at the very same moment that Avraham and Sarah were about to miraculously conceive with Yitzchak, and also when the nations of Amon and Moav were founded? In the face of World changing cataclysmic events, why do some people fear their sins, and others fear in wait of their reward? What are the special characteristics of Avraham that made him worthy of being raised above the spiritual realms, and to be the 'king' of the world? How do these parallel the same traits that Chizkiyahu hamelech had and that we are enjoined to emulate as we enter the times of Moshiach?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:32

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Bitachon 182 - Jews Unify in Prayer

We continue our study of the passuk in Tehillim perek 62 passuk 9, which speaks about Dovid Hamelech's suggestion to his nation to place our faith in Hashem at all times. Among the ideas we explore is the teaching that Dovid refers to us as a 'nation' which implies that our prayers when we are in unity are so much more powerful.

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Running time: 20:33

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Call of Moshiach 7 - Why was Israel Built by the Secular?

We explore the idea brought in the Gemara in Sanhedrin which speaks of King Omri's merit of maintaining his kingship for three generations. It was based on the fact that he had built up a great city in Israel - the city of Shomron. Although he was exceedingly wicked, the very act of building Israel is a spiritual act that has great merit, even if done without the proper intent. We also explore a story with Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, who explained how important Jewish sovereignty over Israel is, as a sanctuary for Jews, and a possible reason why it was being built by secular Jews.

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Running time: 21:54

Friday, November 8, 2024

Lech Lecha - Smashing Idols

What is the significance of the relationship between Avraham and his brother Haran, who dies? Why does this relationship manifest in the marriage of Avraham to Haran's daugther Sarah-Yiscah? Why does this also lend itself to Haran's son, Lot, accompanying him in his travels? What is the concept of idolatry, and how does it manifest today? What was Avraham trying to prove in his conversation with Nimrod, as he expressed the way different elements of nature are superior to others? Why does the argument end when Avraham expresses the superior nature of man? Why does Avraham experience the miracle of being thrown in the fiery furnace and survive, yet Haran, his brother, dies as a result? Why was Haran only affected by the fire on his innards, and his body remained unscathed?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:14

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Bitachon 181 - Gratitude and Trust

We continue our study of the passuk in Tehillim perek 62 passuk 9, which speaks about Dovid Hamelech's suggestion to his nation to place our faith in Hashem at all times. We speak of the idea that we need to work on recognizing He is behind everything - both in the good times and the challenging times. We also speak of the idea that gratitude and recognition of the good He has done for us is a powerful foundation for Bitachon.

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Running time: 20:08


Sunday, November 3, 2024

Call of Moshiach 6 - Self Sacrifice - the Merit to Inherit

We continue our study of the sefer Em Habonim Semecha, where he explains that the reason Avraham Avinu merited to be given the land of Israel was because of his willingness to give up his life for Hashem. To the degree that we are willing to sacrifice to serve Hashem properly - whether it is in learning Torah or keeping any of the commandments or living in Israel, that is what makes us proper inheritors to receive the land of Israel.

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Running time: 18:08

Friday, November 1, 2024

Noach - Planting a Righteous World

What is the significance of Noach as the tzadik who lived through three different ages of spiritual challenge? What is the idea behind Noach being 'uprooted' and then 'planted' in the Teiva-Ark that he built? Why were his sons all born after he was 500 years old, and less than 100 years before the flood? What is the idea behind the fact that Jews, and possibly also non-Jews, will live forever once Moshiach comes? If so, how can there be someone who 'dies young' at the age of 100? What is the parallel between the age of 100 and the age of 20?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:59

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Bitachon 180 - Israel Always Has Hashem

We continue our study with the next passuk of Tehillim perek 62 passuk 9, which speaks about Dovid Hamelech's suggestion to his nation to place our faith in Hashem at all times.

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Running time: 19:20

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Call Of Moshiach 5 - Open Revelation

We talk about the idea that both Torah and the land of Israel are given as an 'inheritance,' which means that on one hand we have them automatically, as children of the Avos, but at the same time, we must prove ourselves worthy children of theirs. The main reason this is true is that Hashem directly oversees what happens in Israel, as opposed to other lands which are watched over indirectly, through angels. This being the case, a higher level is needed to merit to live in the land.

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Running time: 17:22

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Bitachon 179 - Hashem Gives Strength and Honor

We study together the passuk in Tehillim perek 62 passuk 8 which speaks of the request of Dovid Hamelech of Hashem to save him and bring about honor for him. This is in the merit of his having been promised by Hashem that he would be king, and in the merit of his trust in Hashem and seeking to be righteous.

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Running time: 20:21

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Succos - Gog Umagog Brings Order

Why is the war of Gog Umagog (Armageddon) associated with the holiday of Succos, such that we read to Haftaros from sections in Tanach that speak of it? Why do the Romans and Persians claim that they helped the Jewish people in their exile, when in truth they only helped themselves? Why do they get the mitzvah of Succah and then kick it as they leave because of the heat? What is the idea of the Clouds of Hashem's Glory which accompanied us in the wilderness, and will protect us in the future time of Moshiach? Why is the idea of the Simchas Beis Hasho'eva (rejoicing in the water drawing) a central theme of Succos, and how does it relate to the future time when men and women are in separate groups as they mourn for the death of Moshiach ben Yosef?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 35:10

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Call of Moshiach 4 - Bring Moshiach Now

We continue reading from Em Habonim Semeicha and among the topics, we discuss how we can be part of the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael and thereby be part of bring Moshiach actively.

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Running time: 15:45

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Yom Kippur - Pray for Am Yisrael

What was the content of the special prayer of the High Priest on the holiest of days in the holiest place on Earth? What is the concept of bracha-blessing? What was unique about the approach of Moshe generally and how did this contribute to his ability to give the blessings he gave to the entire Jewish people? Why is the blessing specifically given at the end of his life, and why do we seek these blessings as we complete a year and begin a new year? How can we merit a good year for ourselves and for all of the people of Israel?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:38

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Bitachon 178 - We Can Always Return

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 61 passuk 4, where Dovid Hamelech speaks of Hashem being his protection, a fortress of strength from his enemies. Among other ideas we explore is the idea that Dovid does not depend on Hashem for his own sake, but rather he asks Hashem to show his greatness for His own sake. This parallels the idea that we can always return to Hashem, for even if we've done wrong, He waits for us to return and does not lose faith in us.

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Running time: 18:56

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Call of Moshiach 3 - The Time is Now

In this podcast, we continue our discussion with the precedent for Am Yisrael to be saved by someone who does not seem to be a righteous individual, as represented by Yiftach HaGiladi. We also explore the idea of the call of Ezra and Nechemia who called the Jews back from their 70 year exile in Babylon, and the very few who heeded the call, although the 2nd Beis Hamikdash (Temple) was already rebuilt. We are charged not to make the same mistake.

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Running time: 19:30

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Haazinu-Rosh Hashana - Rising to the Heavens

Why does Moshe speak to the Heavens before the Earth, as if to say he is closer to the upper spheres? Why does it seem that Moshe has reversed the order, where the Heaven is supposed to be for Hashem while the Earth is meant for mankind? Why does Moshe demand of the Heaven to listen if that would seem to stop it from saying Hashem's praises? What is the idea of the mouth, heart and ears of the Heavens? How does the Shofar serve to encourage Hashem to stand up from His throne of judgment and sit, instead, on His throne of Divine Mercy? What is the idea of the Shofar in relationship to the root Sh-F-R which denotes beautification? How does the narrow end of the Shofar denote judgment and the wide end denote mercy?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:19

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Call of Moshiach 2 - Moshiach is Happening

In this second episode of the Call of Moshiach podcast, we continue discussing the description from the passuk in Yeshaya which tells of Hashem's 'whistling' to Am Yisrael - hinting to us to initiate the ingathering of the exiles - and how the Moshiach comes through the leadership of 'impure birds.'

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Running time: 15:58

Friday, September 27, 2024

Nitsavim-Vayelech - Israel's Unstoppable Goal

Why is a significant portion of this week's parsha referred to as the 'parsha of redemption?' Why is the central theme of the 'parsha of redemption' the theme of Teshuva-repentance, which is followed by the return of the Jewish people to Israel? What are the steps to teshuva, how does it start, and does one do it completely? What is the central reason why the 'lazy man' referred to by Shlomo Hamelech gives so many excuses not to hear the Torah teaching of his teacher? What is the central and simple theme that Moshe teaches us as the antidote for this 'laziness?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:52

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bitachon 177 - Israel is Doubly Protected From Her Enemies

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 57 passuk 2, which has a doubling of the word Chaneni - give me grace - and a doubling of the request to protect me. This denotes the double request of Dovid Hamelech for both spiritual and physical safety.

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Running time: 21:47

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Call of Moshiach 1 - Getting the Hints

In this first episode of the Call of Moshiach podcast, we are introduced to the sefer "Em Habonim Semeicha" which gives us the description from the passuk in Yeshaya which tells of Hashem's 'whistling' to Am Yisrael - hinting to us to initiate the ingathering of the exiles.

Runing time: 16:49

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ki Savo - For Hashem's Sake

Why does the Torah use a double language in speaking of the blessings that come 'when we listen?' What is the idea of learning and engaging in spiritual pursuits for Hashem's sake? Why should one pass through two doors when entering the Shul or House of Study? Why is one rewarded for this, and what is meant when the midrash says that one who does so will experience the presence of Hashem? Why do the blessings follow these actions? What is the idea behind the statement of our sages that acts done for the sake of Hashem rise up above the heavens, but acts done superficially have a limit to how far they rise?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bitachon 176 - Layers of Protection

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 12 where King David says that he praises 'Elokim' - the name of Hashem which denotes His attribute of Divine Justice - this indicates that when difficult times arise, we are 'paying off' the debt we owe, and can actually be more confident in Hashem's protection.

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Running time: 21:48

Friday, September 13, 2024

Ki Seitze - Moshiach Comes When We Go To The Root

What is the depth of the mitzvah of the sending away the mother bird if one wants to take the chicks or the eggs? Why do we 'honor' the mother bird in 'the merit' of her children? How is the mitzvah of sending away the mother bird related to respecting one's father and mother? Why does the Midrash state that fulfilling this mitzvah leads to the coming of Moshiach? What is the idea of 'sending' that is found both in the context of the mother bird as well as Moshiach? Why does Yaakov talk so much about his future offspring when he returns to Israel and encounters Esav? How does Yaakov counter Esav's claim of having respected his father by talking about his offspring? Why does the mitzvah of honoring one's parents come in the context of keeping Shabbos?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 33:52

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bitachon 175 - Facing Any Challenge

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 12 where King David says that he praises 'Elokim' - the name of Hashem which denotes His attribute of Divine Justice - this verse, while it is similar to the one we learned previously, it exchanges the word 'basar' for 'adam' indicating that Dovid Hamelech is equally confident in the face of lesser and greater challenges that Hashem will come to his aid.

Running time: 22:13

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Friday, September 6, 2024

Shoftim - Justice Supports the World

What are some of the things that are important to work on as we come to the end of the year leading up to Rosh Hashana? What is the root of the idea that a judge can not be a relative of the person being judged? What is the power that bias holds over us in our daily judgments of others, and how can we overcome that bias? What is the significance of the the concept of 'mishpat'-justice referring to issues bein adam l'chavero-between man and his fellow? Why is this on of the foundations of the world and of Hashem's Throne of Glory?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:44

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Bitachon 174 - In The Pain Hashem Is There

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 5 where King David says that he praises 'Elokim' - the name of Hashem which denotes His attribute of Divine Justice - and in this acceptance of His ways there is a sense of confidence that Hashem will protect him from any human being who comes to cause him harm.

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Running time: 22:01

Friday, August 30, 2024

Re'eh - Choosing the Blessings

What is the idea of the blessings that we get when we keep the Torah, and the curses that come when we do not keep the Torah? Why are we careful to read all the curses without interruption? How does this express that Hashem is with us in our troubles? What is the idea of 'seeing' the blessings and curses and 'hearing' the word of Hashem? How does listening to the commandments of Hashem serve to limit our ego and bring about these blessings? What is the idea of the blessings that come 'of their own accord' when we do the mitzvos?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:11

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Bitachon 173 - Israel's Success is From Hashem

We continue to study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 4. There King David speaks of the moment that he is afraid, and turns to Hashem with his powerful Bitachon. The secret to success is not to fear - to remember that every success we have is only from Hashem, without Whose help we can not succeed.

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Running time: 19:59

Friday, August 23, 2024

Ekev - Meriting to Live in Israel

Why does Moshe preface his report of the crossing of Jordan River into Israel with the statement 'Shema Yisrael' - Hear O Israel? What is the concept of 'hearing' in this context? What do we learn from the fact that Hashem redeemed the Jewish people, despite His foreknowledge that they would sin with the Golden Calf? What two 'gems' did Hashem give us when we were betrothed to Him on Mount Sinai, and which did we lose, and which do we still have today? What was Moshe implying when he said that 'you' are going into Israel - what prayer did he want us to pray on his behalf? What did he say when he saw that we did not get 'the hint?' What are the two approaches to staying in our relationship with Hashem when we don't have Moshe to speak up on our behalf?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Bitachon 172 - In Times of Danger, Expect Kindness

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 4. There King David speaks of the moment that he is afraid, and turns to Hashem with his powerful Bitachon. There is a recognition that every situation is from Hashem, and just as He brought us into the difficulty, He will get us out with His fatherly love.

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Running time: 25:00

Friday, August 16, 2024

Va'eschanan - Israel's Prayers Are Answered

What is unique about the prayers of the people of Israel and our relationship with Hashem? Why does King David ask that Hashem not answer the prayers of the Nations of the World? Why are those who worship idols 'close yet far,' while we who worship Hashem are 'far yet close?' Why do we try to preface our prayers for our personal spiritual and physical needs with mention of the Geulah-Redemption of our people from Egypt? Why are we referred to as 'a great nation who is uniquely close to Hashem whenever we call?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:25

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Bitachon 171 - Our Enemies Die Early

We explore the passuk in Tehillim 55 passuk 24 which speaks of the enemies of King David - among them Achitofel and Do'eg - who gave him advice which they hoped would cause his downfall. Yet King David says his enemies would not reach 'half their days' and he himself would not cause this downfall, but rather, his trust in Hashem would be the impetus for Hashem Himself to take care of his enemies.

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Running time: 23:05 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tisha B'av - We Only Want Hashem

What is the correct focus for the day of Tisha B'av? Why did R' Shimon bar Yochai instruct the couple who was divorcing to make a big party like when they got married? What gift did the woman take with her when she went back to her parents home? What blessing did she receive as a result from R' Shimon bar Yochai? What is the lesson for us in our relationship with Hashem? Why does Tzion insist that she does not care when her children return? What is it that she is waiting for?

Find out in this special edition of the Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 23:05

Friday, August 9, 2024

Devarim - Untold Blessings of Moshiach

What is the concept of the miraculous multiplication of the numbers of the Jewish people? Why does Hashem say He will judge the Egyptians with 'two letters' but then ultimately they are judged with 72 letters? Why did Hashem not reveal to Avraham that his children would eat the Manna in the wilderness for 40 years? Why did Hashem say Avraham's offspring would be 'as great as the stars' but ultimately, they were even greater than that? Why do both Dovid Hamelech and Moshe Rabenu fear coming 'into judgment' with the nation that they lead? What is the idea of the Jewish people being 'like their Master (Hashem)' in the future time? What is the unique blessing that is given to the Jewish people through their trust in Hashem and their study of Torah?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:23

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Moshiach 18 - Gog Umagog 2024-2025


Why does the world need to go through an intense Armageddon in order to lead into the days of Moshiach? Why did the process of this year's leap year seem to fizzle at the end of Adar II and then start to move again as the months passed? Why does the 1500 year old Midrash say 3 times to the people of Israel - do not fear - in the face of a destructive world war involving Iran? What is the concept of two sets of 6 months of the year that reflect two sides of the year's progress - the winter months and the summer months? What other parallels can we find between the years 1948 and 2024, 1929 and 2005, 1967 and 2043? Why did Rav Moshe Shternbuch express such worry in the months leading up to October 7th, and what did he say about how the war in Israel would affect the entire world? Why do we see that the second part of the leap year seems to be when the 'action' happens if we talked previously about the first part of the year being the ibur-pregnancy? Find out all this and more in this 18th edition of the Moshiach Podcast.

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Running time: 51:16

additional notes for this podcast: In the last Moshiach podcast I spoke about 3 time periods: 1. 9 months from Av of last year until end of Adar II 2. 70 days from 25th of Adar II until 6th of Sivan 3. 70 days from Yom Yerushalayim to Tisha B'av we find that in 2005 the Gush Katif debacle was scheduled for Tisha B'av and took place on the 10th of Av, and also in 1929 (which was also the 8th year of the 19 year cycle) the Chevron massacre was on the 17th-19th of Av. but interestingly, and conversely, in 1948, there was a ceasefire from the 11th of Tammuz until the 11th of Elul, only then did the war continue until it finished on 9th of Adar in 1949. There seems to be a broader 76 year cycle that repeats, so 1929 parallels 2005 and 1948 parallels 2024. 1967 and 2063 will also parallel. There are actually two 9 month periods of the leap year (which especially manifests most strongly in the 8th and 19th year of the cycle b/c of close proximity to the previous leap year) one starts in Av of the previous year and culminates at the end of Adar II - this is the Gevurah side of the year - the autumn/winter side. The other starts in Shevat (which parallels Av) and culminates at the end of Elul - this is the Chesed side of the year - the spring/summer side This was sparked in my mind because I was puzzled that at the end of the first set of 9 months (end of Adar II) there was a complete pull out of troops from gaza, and everything seemed to be coming to a standstill and not the huge forward movement I expected. but this would seem to be the first nine month set - the gevurah set coming to a close. then as we progressed into the end of Nissan and on through Sivan, Tamuz the process seems to be expanding, we entered Rafiah, Biden is falling, Iranian president dies, now Haniyeh etc. this is the chesed/positive set moving forward. this would seem to indicate a major expansion of the process into Elul and Tishrei of next year, just as was the case in 1948-49. for reference take note of these dates in 1948-49 War of Independence 1948 - 5708: 5th of Iyar - - 4 Sivan (15th May-11th June) - First Phase 4 Sivan - - 1 Tamuz (11 Jun - 7 July) - First Truce 2 Tamuz - - 11 Tamuz (8 July - 18 July) - Second Phase 11 Tamuz - - 11 Elul (18 July - 15 Oct) - Second Truce 11 Elul 5708 - - 9 Adar 5709 (15 Oct - 10 Mar 1949) - Third Phase Armistice agreements (1949): Egypt: 24 Feb 1949 - 25 Shvat 5709 Lebanon: 23 Mar - 22 Adar Jordan: 3 Apr - 4 Nissan Syria: 20 July - 23 Sivan also note that the Arabs started attacking the Yishuv in 1947 already in November with the UN partition vote.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Matos-Masei - Planning for the Day After

What is the depth of the idea that Hashem decides who becomes rich and who becomes poor, and that sometimes He lowers one person in order to raise up another person? How does this apply in times of war, where one country is lowered and another is raised? Why is the war of Midian placed right beside the description of the wealth of the tribe of Reuven and Gad? How is it that their gift of wealth was clearly a gift from Hashem, and yet they were punished for asking to remain outside of Israel because of that very gift? What is the correct use of wisdom, strength and wealth, and how do we prepare for 'the day after' the current wars that are being fought?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:16

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bitachon 170 - WW3 and Israel's Rise

We continue our study of the passuk found in Tehillim chapter 46 passuk 2 which speaks of Hashem's presence which is found in a much deeper way when we are going through personal or national challenges. We further discover that the context of the verse is referring to the War of Gog Umagog (Armageddon), which could also be understood to be the world war. The purpose of this war is to bring about the impossible - the rise of the Jewish people in Israel as the leader of the world.

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Running time: 23:23

Friday, July 26, 2024

Pinchas - Power of Consistency

Podcast dedicated by Sarah Kukin in honor of her daughter's birthday. Why does the Torah place the story of the daughters of Tzlafchad next to the story of Moshe's request for a new leader to lead after his death? What is significant about the daughters of Tzlafchad receiving a portion of land on both sides of the Jordan river? Why is their inheritance referred to as 'passing' to them, as opposed to others who it is 'given' to? Why does Hashem tell Moshe that his own sons will not inherit his leadership? What is unique about the fig tree and why is Yehoshua's (Joshua's) learning compared to it? How is Moshe reassured by Hashem despite the leadership being given to a different tribe? What are the qualities of a true leader of the Jewish people, as embodied by Yehoshua?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:01

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bitachon 169 - Hashem is With Us in our Pain

We turn to a new passuk in our studies, found in Tehillim chapter 46 passuk 2 which speaks of Hashem's presence which is found in a much deeper way when we are going through personal or national challenges.

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Running time: 22:52

Friday, July 19, 2024

Balak - Secret of Redemption

Why was Moshe unable to respond when Zimri challenged him in regards to his having married a Midianite woman? What does it mean that he 'lazy' in this regard? How is it that Moshe is punished for this 'laziness' by being buried alone - only by Hashem - and not by all of the Jewish people - if this lone burial is actually a reward for having worked hard to find the bones of Yosef before leaving Egypt? In that context, why does 'Segulah' - better known as Serach bas Asher - appear to reveal to Moshe where Yosef's bones are buried after he spends three days and nights searching for them? What is the 'secret of redemption' hinted to in her name?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:50

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bitachon 168 - The Sin of Hishtadlus II

We continue our study of Bitachon together in perek 40 passuk 5 of Tehillim, where Dovid Hamelech guides us to turn away from the false efforts (hishtadlus) and people who seem like they can help us, and to place of all of our trust in Hashem, and to depend exclusively on Him for the means to achieve our needs. We learn from the case of Yosef who was on a very exalted level of Bitachon, that one who is on such a level can not afford to put in even the most minute amount of hishtadlus.

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Running time: 22:30

Friday, July 12, 2024

Chukas - My Personal Rock

Why does the midrash say that every single individual in the Jewish nation perceived themselves as being directly in front of the rock from which Moshe brought forth water? Why did the scoffers demand that Moshe bring forth water from a different rock than the one Hashem had commanded? Why does the midrash stress that ultimately water came out of the correct rock, and that water in fact also came out of every rock in the vicinity? What is the significance of the other places where the Jewish people perceived themselves as being directly in front of a particular location - the entrance to the Mishkan, the staves of the Aron (Ark)? How does this concept align with the idea that the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) miraculously holds much more than its physical space can bear? How does this relate to the teaching that all the nations will fit in the space of Jerusalem in the Messianic age?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:02

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bitachon 167 - The Sin of Hishtadlus

We continue our study of Bitachon together in perek 40 passuk 5 of Tehillim, where Dovid Hamelech guides us to turn away from the false efforts (hishtadlus) and people who seem like they can help us, and to place of all of our trust in Hashem, and to depend exclusively on Him for the means to achieve our needs.

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Running time: 24:38

Friday, July 5, 2024

Korach - Knowing Our Place

After Korach and his fellow revolutionaries were either swallowed by the ground or burned by a spiritual fire, why did the Jewish people continue to complain? Why did it also continue even after they were struck by a plague as a result of their complaint? What was represented by the miracle of Aharon's staff which flowered and produced 'shkedim'-almonds? What was behind the desire for the bechorim-first born to serve in place of the Levites, and why were they wrong? What is the personal message for all of us?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:25

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bitachon 166 - Songs of Bitachon and Praise

We continue our studies in chapter 40 passuk 4 which speaks of Dovid Hamelech's desire to sing the praise of Hashem for having helped him through his difficult times, and how this song inspires others to fear Hashem and trust in Him.

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Running time: 24:54

Friday, June 28, 2024

Shlach - Facing Our Fear of Greatness

Why did Hashem cause the leaders throughout the land of Canaan to die as the Israelite spies passed through their land? What was at the root of the spies denial of the Hashgacha Pratis (Divine Providence) of these deaths which was really to create a distraction from their presence? Why did the Jewish people step back from Mount Sinai when Hashem revealed Himself to them, and ask for Moshe to be between them and Hashem instead the direct revelation? Why did the Jewish people look suspiciously at the fact that there was no physical waste when they ate from the Manna in the wilderness? How can we face the higher levels of spirituality Hashem wants to bring to us without turning away in fear?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:36

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bitachon 165 - Hope and Hope Again

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 40 passuk 2, where King David exhorts us to constantly stay connected to the attribute of Tikvah-Hope. Ultimately, he promises that Hashem will lean closer and closer to us as we yearn to be close to Him.

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Running time: 22:53

Friday, June 21, 2024

Behaaloscha - Leading to Hashem's Will

What was the purpose of King David's harp, which would play on its own and wake him up at midnight? What did he mean when he said, 'I will awaken the dawn?' Who joined him in his studies through the night? What was special about the origin of the strings of his harp? What is the significance of the 'sinews of Yitzchak's ram?' What is the proper way of showing honor to our sages and Torah scholars? Why is honoring them 'akin' to honoring Hashem? Why are the Torah scholars among he 13 items Hashem calls 'His?' What is the significance of the gathering together and unity of the Torah scholars? How is this reflected in the unity of the Jewish people, and therefore a foundation upon which Hashem's throne sits? 

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:48

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bitachon 164 - Israel's Unending Hope

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 40 passuk 2, where King David exhorts us to constantly stay connected to the attribute of Tikvah-Hope. Ultimately, he promises that Hashem will lean closer and closer to us and keep His promise of the ultimate redemption for the people of Israel.

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Running time: 22:17

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nasso - Joining the People of Israel

What is the implicit comparison between the Ger-Convert and the Kohen in the law that money owed to a Convert who passed away with no heirs is paid to the Kohen? Why is the Convert to Judaism called a 'returnee' if he is only arriving at this juncture? What is the understanding of the spiritual sustenance of the convert being the Talmud and the Midrash? Why is the convert compared to a grape vine? What is the blessing he receives from Tzion-Jerusalem? Why is the convert and the tzadik compared to a wild deer that joined the King's flock of sheep? What is the special favor that is shown to the convert? What is the special trait of the convert that we are to emulate?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:22

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Shavuos - Finding Hidden Treasures

What is the idea behind the Midrash's statement that every prophet's prophecy was given to him at Har Sinai? How does this apply to the words of wisdom that would be said by Torah scholars down to our times? What is the 'great Voice that did not end' that echoes through the generations? What is meant by R' Yochanan who says that the single voice splits into seven and then into seventy? What is the 'mighty voice of Hashem?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 19:22

Friday, June 7, 2024

Bimidbar - Israel Surrounds the Mishkan

What is the depth behind each of the sides of the Mishkan, which was surrounded by four Levi encampments, and four corresponding Israelite ecampments? What is the significance of the West, as the source of 'snow, sleet, extreme heat and cold? And the South, as the source of rain and dew of blessing? And the North as the source of darkness? And the East as the source of Light? How does each group correspond to these aspects and either enhance or deflect the force found therein?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:11

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Bitachon 163 - Wanting to Want Spirituality

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 39 passuk 8, which speaks of our desire to connect to Hashem through Bitachon, as it is expressed in contrast to all the things we could desire that have to do with this world.

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Running time: 19:28

Friday, May 31, 2024

Bechukosai - Israel is Hashem's Garden

Why does the Torah enumerate the avos in reverse order - Yakov, Yitzchak then Avraham - in speaking of Hashem remembering His covenant? How does this relate to the idea of the grapevine, which rests upon older wood from trees no longer alive? How do the people of Israel parallel the grapevine, whose main body is close to the ground, yet its branches extend far away? How do we understand the parallel of the lowly grapevine whose watchman sits above it, as opposed to other trees who tower above the watchman of their orchards?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bitachon 162 - Hashem Wants To Connect To Us

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 39 passuk 8, which speaks of the desire to connect to Hashem through Bitachon, which is strengthened by the awareness that Hashem wants to connect to us.

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Behar - Times of Judgment, Times of Balance

What is the prohibition of Ona'as Devarim-Causing pain through our words? What is the prohitibiton of Ona'as Mamon-Causing pain through our money? Why does Hashem appear to the prophet Amos in front of a 'balanced wall' holding a builders 'balance tool?' Why does the Anach-Balance tool have the same root as the word Ona'ah-Pain? How does the pain and challenge that we experience bring us back into balance? What is the Ibur-Anger that we experience in the Ibur-Leap year? What can we work on when we see that Hashem's anger is manifest in our world? What is the idea of the anger which is like a pregnant women? 

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:18

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bitachon 161 - The Wicked Fall, Israel Rises

We continue studying Tehillim chapter 37 verse 40, which speaks of the double salvation that comes to someone who trusts in Hashem, and the fall of the wicked who try to circumvent Hashem's will.

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Running time: 24:11

Friday, May 17, 2024

Emor - Hashem Saves the Humans and Beasts

Why does the Torah require that an animal be eight days old before being used as a Korban (sacrifice)? How does this parallel the human being who needs to be eight days old to be given a bris (circumcision)? What is the concept of our desire to be 'drawn after Hashem' like an animal is 'drawn after its master?' In the comparison of a righteous individual to a mighty mountain, why is he sometimes compared to a grassy mountain, and sometimes to a mountain that has fruit trees? How do we use these tools - the animal and the righteous individual - to climb the mountain of Hashem?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:56

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bitachon 160 - Israel's Double Salvation

We continue studying Tehillim chapter 37 verse 40, which speaks of the double salvation that comes to someone who trusts in Hashem.

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Running time: 20:40

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kedoshim - Planting Our Lives in Israel

How does planting a tree in Israel constitute the fulfillment of a mitzvah - a commandment? What is the idea of Yishuv Ha'aretz - settling the land of Israel? How does waiting three years before eating from a new fruit tree rectify the sin of Adam? If everything was already prepared for us when we originally entered Israel and took over the homes and vineyards of the previous inhabitants, why does the Torah instruct us to plant more? How do we understand the 'tree' that is planted in the context of the Torah being referred to as a tree? How does the support of Torah guarantee we will win in battle, without even trying very hard?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:53

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Bitachon 159 - Rabbi Perr zt"l and Bitachon

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim 37 passuk 34 which exhorts us to hope to Hashem and keep His way. The result will be that we will inherit the land and we will see the fall of the wicked. We also share a few thoughts about Rabbi Perr zt"l after his recent petirah (passing).

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Running time: 22:14

Friday, May 3, 2024

Acharei Mos - Israel - Rose Among Thorns

How is Rebecca, our matriarch, compared to a rose among thorns? How was she able to remain steadfast despite being surrounded by charlatans and liars? Why was it so difficult for Hashem, as it were, to take 'one nation out from another nation' at the Exodus? How are the people of Israel like a Rose among thorns? How was the Jewish people's receiving the Torah like a 'rose among thorns' that Hashem enjoyed 'smelling' as they said 'we will do and we will hear?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

This week's podcast is sponsored anonymously. May it be a merit for the sponsor & family.

Running time: 28:57

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Bitachon 158 - Israel Will See Her Enemies Fall

We explore the passuk in Tehillim 37 passuk 34 which exhorts us to hope to Hashem and keep His way. The result will be that we will inherit the land and we will see the fall of the wicked.

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Running time: 22:44

Friday, April 26, 2024

Pesach - Israel is Hashem's Song

Why is Shir Hashirim called the greatest of all songs? How do the other books of Shlomo Hamelech (Kong Solomon) - Koheles and Mishlei - have a message for the nations of the world, and yet Shir Hashirim is exclusive to the Jewish people? How does this correspond to Shabbos and the month of Nissan, which are also exclusive to the people of Israel? What is meant by the midrash's statement that the Jewish people was 'made into a song' by Hashem? What are the three aspects of the song, for which the Song of Songs is the greatest song? How do they reflect the purpose of the Jewish people?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:37


Friday, April 19, 2024

Metzora-Pesach - Hashem Brings Justice and Redemption

Why does the Torah refer to the time that a woman is impure after a flow as 'many days' if it is only a few days? What does Hashem reassure the Jewish people after telling them that they will be in exile for 'many days?' Why is He referred to as the 'G-d of Truth' in the context of their distance from Him during exile? Where does that Truth manifest in the end as He brings about His ultimate Justice? How is this accompanied by a Redemption for the people of Israel? How does this exile and distance from Hashem parallel the distance of the woman who experienced a flow?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:29

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Bitachon 157 - Israel is Guided by Hashem

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 7 where King David says that we are to be quiet and hope to Hashem. This indicates that whatever happens in our life - Hashem is blazing our path and guiding us to the future He envisions for us. We need not put in the greatest of efforts, but rather, we are to trust in His plan for us.

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Running time: 18:31

Friday, April 12, 2024

Tazria - Israel Balances the Stormy Winds

Why does the Torah use the word Adam-Man in reference to the person who has Tzara'as-Leprosy? What is the imbalance in the person who suffers from this spiritual malady? Why was there a threatening 'stormy wind' in the times of Iyov, Yonah and Eliyahu? What is the concept of the souls that need to manifest before the coming of Moshiach? Why did some prophets author one book and others multiple books, while some prophets had only a line or two in Tanach? Why do some people find themselves drawn toward different parts of the Torah, be it Chumash, Mishna, Gemara, Halacha or Midrash?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:37

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Bitachon 156 - Israel's Victory Is In The End

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 7 where King David says that we are to be quiet and hope to Hashem. This indicates that although it seems others are succeeding without depending on Hashem, we need to know that the Jewish people's success comes in the end when we are totally dependent on Hashem.

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Running time: 20:05

Friday, April 5, 2024

Shmini - Why Israel is Despised

Why are there special foods that are permitted and forbidden to the Jewish people to be eaten? What is the 'measuring' that Hashem did to determine who would receive the Torah? How does this parallel the 'measuring' He did of Mount Sinai and the land of Israel, which would be given to the Jewish people? What happened when Hashem 'took away responsibility' for keeping the 7 Noahide laws from the nations and gave that responsibility to the Jewish people? What does the prophet Chavakuk refer to when he says that Hashem will 'appear' in the lands of Teiman-Edom and the lands of Paran-Yishmael in the end of time?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:12

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Bitachon 155 - Israel Needs Torah's Protection

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 6 & 7 where King David says that the one who trusts in Hashem - Hashem will cause their light to come out and shine, and that we are to be quiet and hope to Hashem. Both of these ideas express that we are to leave our physical needs in the hands of Hashem, and to focus as much as we can on our Spiritual pursuits.

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Running time: 23:06

Friday, March 29, 2024

Tzav - Israel's Gift of Peace

Why is the Korban Toda (thanks offering) the only one that will remain in the future time? What is the concept of the korban Shelamim, whose root is related to Shalom-Peace? Why is it the last of the korbanos spoken of in the parsha? How does it bring about peace between all those involved in it? Why is peace the 'end all' of the prayers and blessings? Why does Hashem allow His name to be erased for peace? Why did R' Meir ask a woman who listened to his sermon to spit in his eye? What is the concept of peace in the future if there is no longer an inclination toward evil in the Messianic age?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:41

Friday, March 22, 2024

Vayikra-Purim - Rejuvenation of Israel at 75

Why does Moshe 'stand by the side' at each point - at the burning bush, at the splitting of the sea, at Sinai, and at the building of the Mishkan? Why, in each case, does Hashem tell him that only he can do it? How does this parallel Mordechai's instruction to Esther to be the one to approach the king and serve as their redeemer? What is meant by our sages when they compare Esther to Sarah with the number 127, and when they compare her to Avraham who left for Israel at the age of 75? What is meant by the sages when they say that Tamar was the daughter of Shem if she lived so long after Shem? What is the significance of all of this in relationship to current events, which are occurring after 75 years since the Jewish state was founded?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:46

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Bitachon 153 - Always Start Alongside Hashem

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 5 which speaks of the idea to 'roll your ways onto Hashem.' The result is that 'when you trust in Him, he will do it.' This brings to the fore that we must always make sure that our intention in all our deeds is to serve Hashem. Furthermore, the efforts we put in - when we determine that we need efforts of some sort - must never replace our belief that it is always truly Hashem who is doing it for us.

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Running time: 19:37

Friday, March 15, 2024

Pekudei - Israel Gets Past the Tough Times

Why were the Jewish people unable to complete the construction of the Tabernacle? Why was it necessary for both Moshe Rabenu, who completed the Mishkan-Tabernacle, as well as Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon) to have special spiritual assistance to complete the building? Why did the merchant who came to Jerusalem at first not sell his merchandise at all, but ultimately sold his merchandise very quickly? What is the 'last laugh' that Moshe had on his detractors? Why was he at first not involved in the construction of the mishkan, yet he completed it? Why did R' Shimon bar Yochai instruct his students not to leave Israel and not to strive to acquire wealth? Why is it built into acquiring Israel that in order to do so one must get past tough times?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Bitachon 152 - Hashem Does For Israel

We explore the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 5 which speaks of the idea to 'roll your ways onto Hashem.' The result is that 'when you trust in Him, he will do it.' This brings to the fore that we must always make sure that our intention in all our deeds is to serve Hashem. Furthermore, the efforts we put in - when we determine that we need efforts of some sort - must never replace our belief that it is always truly Hashem who is doing it for us.

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Running time: 23:01

Friday, March 8, 2024

Vayakhel - Israel's Source of Light

Why does the Torah refer to the creation of the Ark of the Covenant by Betzalel in the singular, seeming to imply he did it on his own? What was created first - the spiritual light of Creation or the Heavens and the Earth? What was Betzalel able to deduce from the creation of the light first? How does the Aron represent this light? What was the 'additional wisdom' of Noach and how did Betzalel use a similar kind of wisdom in deducing that the Aron should be created first, before the rest of the structure of the Mishkan?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Bitachon 151 - Israel's Attachment to Hashem

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 4 which continues from our previous study and tells us about the connection to Hashem we experience in a state of Bitachon, which can manifest as an ecstatic state of joy or intense prayer. Either way, when it's real, it gets results!

CLICK HERE to listen

Running time: 21:38

Friday, March 1, 2024

Ki Sisa - The Artist's Many Names

Why does Hashem ask Moshe to 'look at the name' of Betzalel? Where was Betzalel's name to be seen? How was it that Betzalel was able to manifest such exquisite artistry if the Jewish people had been slaves and he had no chance to study his art? What is the significance of the 'many names' of Eliyahu and of Betzalel? Why does the Torah sometimes mention the person's name and also his parents' names and the name of his location? What are the many aspects that go into a person's personality and his ultimate purpose in the world? Why does Hashem have Betzalel, from the tribe of Yehuda, work alongside Oholiav, who is from the tribe of Dan?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:03

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Bitachon 150 - All Your Heart's Wishes

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 4 which continues from our previous study and tells us about the connection to Hashem we experience in a state of Bitachon, which we can compare to the feeling we have on Shabbos. The passuk finishes with the fact that all our 'hearts desires' will be fulfilled, hinting to the idea that with Bitachon we can depend on Hashem to obtain more than just our necessities.

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Running time: 22:45

Friday, February 23, 2024

Tetzaveh - Israel's Secret Weapon

Why does the Torah use the word 'davar' - 'thing' or 'matter' in introducing the order of initiating Aharon and his sons into their Kohen service in the Mishkan-Tabernacle? What are the two 'matters' that can be used to atone and bring salvation when we do not have the ability to bring sacrifices? How do words of Torah and heartfelt prayer bring about the revelation of Hashem in the world? Why is Haman referred to as both an oppressor and an enemy? Why does Mordechai return to his sackcloth, fasting and prayer even after he is 'raised up' and clothed with king's garments and rides the king's horse? What is it that ultimately provides atonement for Aharon for having facilitated the sin of the Golden Calf?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:42

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Bitachon 149 - Israel's Source of Peace

We continue exploring the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 3 which speaks of Dovid Hamelech's advice to not only trust in Hashem, but also do good. This means that we can not suffice ourselves only with a trusting relationship with Hashem, but His help engenders an obligation to also be honest about our negative actions that require fixing. Additionally, the guarantee is that when we have Bitachon, we can be sure we will be able to live in peace because we are connected to the Source of peace, which is Hashem.

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Running time: 22:11

Friday, February 16, 2024

Terumah - Israel is G-d's Child

How do we 'take an example from Heaven' in the construction of the Tabernacle? What are the many parallels between the 'throne room' of Hashem above, and the place of His Presence here on earth? What do each of these elements represent? What is the significance of Hashem calling the gold and silver of the Mishkan his? How do the Tabernacle and Beis Hamikdash (Temple) manifest the relationship between Hashem and the people of Israel - Shepherd to flock, Watchman to vineyard, and Father to son?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:59

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bitachon 148 - Fear Not - Israel's Enemies Won't Succeed

We explore the passuk in Tehillim ch. 37 passuk 3 which speaks of Dovid Hamelech's assurance that even if it seems that Israel's enemies are succeeding - heaven forbid - we can rest assured that ultimately, those who truly trust in Hashem will be far more successful.

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Running time 22:06


Friday, February 9, 2024

Mishpatim - Creating Angels

Why does the Torah place the concept of the inclined ramp of the altar right next to the concept of the laws? Why is there concern of immodesty walking up the ramp if the Kohanim had undergarments to prevent immodesty? What is the concept of 'walking with small steps' versus 'walking with large steps?' How are angels created from the commandments we perform, and how do they serve to protect us? What is the concept of the order of first creating the angels, then being accompanied by the Shechinah, then having our prayers answered? What is the danger of 'rebelling against the angel' that is involved with the secret of having our prayers answered?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 23:33