Friday, August 28, 2020

Ki Seitze - Absolute Forgiveness

While praying for his sister Miriam to be healed, why did Moshe Rabeinu imply that if Hashem would not heal her, he would heal her himself? How was Moshe able to pray on her behalf when he was the very one who she had wronged? How did he make use of the fact that he had once had leprosy himself? What is the idea behind the fact that he yelled as he prayed for her? How can we merit that Hashem will pass over our sins and forgive us?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:26

Friday, August 21, 2020

Shoftim - Ending the Plague With Peace

Why are we asked to reach out for peace as we go out to war? What ways are we enjoined to seek peace in our personal lives? Why did our sages create a system of who gets honored by being called to the Torah - first Kohen, then Levi, then Yisrael? Why does the Sun never see the Moon's dark side? Why do the constellations face toward their back instead of forward? How was Moshe able to stop a great plague from destroying the Jewish people, thus restoring peace between Hashem and the Jewish people? How can this apply to the current situation we are enduring with the Corona virus?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:24

Friday, August 14, 2020

Re'eh - Times of Challenge and Expansion

 What is the idea behind the fact that originally eating meat was completely prohibited unless as part of a korban? Why did Hashem permit it when 'He will expand your borders?" Why would Yosef have been happy enough even if he would have been released without being made into a king? How does this parallel what has happened with the Jewish people? How does it parallel what will be in the future? What is the power of the challenge that, when passed, brings us to a greatly expanded reality?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:24

Friday, August 7, 2020

Ekev - Of Horns and Heels

 What is the idea behind the prohibition of assembling the pieces of a candelabra on Shabbos? What is the idea of the first Shabbos that was kept by the entire Jewish people? How does one 'enjoy' the Shabbos? Why do we receive spiritual rewards for physical enjoyment on Shabbos? What does the midrash mean when it says the rewards are 'in the end?' Why is that end also referred to as a 'horn?' Why does Yaakov - whose name is related to the word Ekev-heel - relate both to the concept of beginning and also to the concept of the end?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 23:40