Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Bitachon 134 - Wars Are Won by Hashem

We continue to explore chapter 31 of Tehillim (Psalms) this time passuk 7, which speaks of how Dovid Hamelech despises those who pursue any other means for determining their success in war. Only by trusting in Hashem can one be assured that one will succeed.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Lech Lecha - The Final War

Why did the 4 kings and 5 kings go out to battle? Why did they capture Avraham's nephew Lot and hold him captive? How does this war set a precedent for future wars of the Jewish people? How does it teach us about the four exiles the Jewish people would ultimately have to endure? How does Avraham's victory in this great battle serve to move his own spiritual mission forward? How does it parallel the future war that the Jewish people will wage and their own freedom to pursue their spiritual mission? What is the meaning of the explanation that the kings were drawn into this battle only in order to be vanquished by Avraham? How does this parallel the final war, which could be beginning now?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:45

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Bitachon 133 - Hashem Fights Our War

We learn together Tehillim ch. 31 passuk 2, which speaks of the trust of King David, and his request to not be embarrassed. This expresses our memory of previous redemptions that Hashem did, and our return to a state of exile and embarrassment. We pray for the Final Redemption that will complete our sense of security because it will be brought by the exclusive hand of Hashem, and will therefore be irreversible.

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Running time: 26:52

Friday, October 20, 2023

Noach - Only in Israel

What was the difference between Noach and Avraham? Would Noach have been greater if he was in a generation where there were others who also were spiritual giants? Why does the Torah say that Noach walked 'next to Hashem' as opposed to Avraham, who Hashem instructed to 'walk before Him?' What was the difference between Noach and Avraham's approach to spiritual matters? How does 'before Hashem' refer to the land of Israel? Why does Hashem wish for Avraham to spread his spiritual light specifically in Israel, and not just in the land of Aram which is outside of Israel? What is the deeper idea behind Hashem being 'like a shepherd for His flock?' How does the Jewish people act like the elders of a prince and 'announce that the prince is coming?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:36

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bitachon 132 - Redeem Us Finally!

We learn together Tehillim ch. 31 passuk 2, which speaks of the trust of King David, and his request to not be embarrassed. This expresses our memory of previous redemptions that Hashem did, and our return to a state of exile and embarrassment. We pray for the Final Redemption that will complete our sense of security because it will be brought by the exclusive hand of Hashem, and will therefore be irreversible.

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Running time: 21:30

Friday, October 13, 2023

Breishis - Intuiting Hashem's Hand

Why does the word for building (VaYiven) have the same root as the word for intuition (Bina)? What is the idea behind the concept of women's intuition being more advanced than men's? How can men's intuition become more developed as they go out into the world? Why does intuition relate to the concept of vows and awareness about the fact that the vow is made in Hashem's name? How can we apply the concept of intuition and awareness of Hashem to the current challenging situation facing us in Israel?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:02

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Moshiach 17 - 1948-1967-2024

What is the common thread that runs through the years 1948, 1967 and 2024, as well as the years 2005 (Gush Katif) and 1492 (Expulsion from Spain)? What is the concept of the Sod Ha'ibur - the Secret of the Leap Year, or, more literally, the Secret of the Pregnancy? What can we observe about the 19 year cycle of the Jewish calendar, which contains 7 leap year? What is special about the 8th year of that cycle? What is the 9 month 'birthing' process that begins every leap year - in Av of the year before? What starts to be revealed in the end of Tishrei of a leap year? What is behind the concept of the 70 day period from 25th of Adar until the 6th of Sivan? How does this explain the 70 days from 28th of Iyar (Yom Yerushalayim) and the 9th of Av? What did the Chofetz Chaim predict about where in the world would remain safe during World War II? What is the unique power of Moshiach ben Yosef in destroying the Persians (Iran) and facing off with the nations of the world?

Find out all this and more in this 17th edition of the Moshiach Podcast.

Running time: 56:34

Friday, October 6, 2023

Vzos Habracha-Simchas Torah - Starting Over

Why does the Torah end with the sad story of Moshe Rabeinu's final request - to enter Israel - being denied? Why did Moshe feel confident that his prayers would be answered despite the decree of Hashem? What did Hashem do to make sure the prayers of Moshe would not ascend? Why does the Torah start with the story of Creation going straight to the Exodus and the Jewish people becoming a nation? What is the lesson in ending the Torah on a sad note and returning to the beginning of the Torah with this point of the story of Creation?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:36

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Bitachon 131 - Relax Into Hashem's Hands

We continue in pesukim from Tehillim in chapter 28 verse 7, which speaks of King David's confidence that Hashem would provide for him even before the good things arrive, and the song that he feels in his heart, as Hashem inspires him to believe completely in the upcoming salvation.

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Running time: 23:45