Friday, August 2, 2024

Matos-Masei - Planning for the Day After

What is the depth of the idea that Hashem decides who becomes rich and who becomes poor, and that sometimes He lowers one person in order to raise up another person? How does this apply in times of war, where one country is lowered and another is raised? Why is the war of Midian placed right beside the description of the wealth of the tribe of Reuven and Gad? How is it that their gift of wealth was clearly a gift from Hashem, and yet they were punished for asking to remain outside of Israel because of that very gift? What is the correct use of wisdom, strength and wealth, and how do we prepare for 'the day after' the current wars that are being fought?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:16

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