Friday, July 12, 2024

Chukas - My Personal Rock

Why does the midrash say that every single individual in the Jewish nation perceived themselves as being directly in front of the rock from which Moshe brought forth water? Why did the scoffers demand that Moshe bring forth water from a different rock than the one Hashem had commanded? Why does the midrash stress that ultimately water came out of the correct rock, and that water in fact also came out of every rock in the vicinity? What is the significance of the other places where the Jewish people perceived themselves as being directly in front of a particular location - the entrance to the Mishkan, the staves of the Aron (Ark)? How does this concept align with the idea that the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) miraculously holds much more than its physical space can bear? How does this relate to the teaching that all the nations will fit in the space of Jerusalem in the Messianic age?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:02

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