Just a quick update on where things are holding with the production of my sefer. Baruch Hashem, all of Sefer Bereshis - four years worth of shiurim - have been typed out. More than half of them have been through a first stage edit. Hashem has now given me the opportunity to work with Uriela Sagiv as an editor for my book. She was actually the editor for M. Scott Peck's book "The Road Less traveled," as well as Kirk Douglas' books. She has worked on numerous serious Jewish books, as well, that involve a Kabbalistic theme. Her expertise is taking lectures and putting them into book form. I am extremely excited to be working with her, B'ezras Hashem, and it is an opportunity that didn't seem possible as she was extremely busy. Her schedule just opened up to be able to work on my book for the month following Shavuos, so it is now a chance to help me get the book completed so it can be available in the stores by the time Sefer Bereshis begins again after Succos. I appreciate any and all donations.
Here is the link for a paypal donation:
Donations can also be sent to my home:
Nachal Lachish 29/5
Bet Shemesh, Israel 99093
If anyone is interested in a special dedication in the front of the book, please let me know.
Also, anyone who has helped with the book in any way will be recognized, b'ezras Hashem, in a section in the book. (If you want to remain anonymous, please let me know!)
Did Uriela Sagiv actually edit "The Road Less Traveled", or its sequel, "Further Along the Road Less Traveled", which is a compilation of lectures he gave? Just curious.
I'm not sure.
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