Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yisro - Light in the darkness

What is the significance of the advice of Yisro to Moshe to delegate his responsibilities? Why is this advice specifically given by Yisro, someone who has tried every form of idolatry? Why is the Torah given in the darkness? What is the significance of the holiday of Tu b'shvat? Why do we celebrate the New Year of the trees in the dead of winter?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the chizzuk you give to klal yisroel.

Ari Goldwag said...

Thank you for your feedback!

Anonymous said...

the negative aspects of idolatry is oviousely it believes different angels/ gods / people etc have poewers different from the creator or "in opposition " to the creator. yitro tried all this stuff. I believe he gave moshe the advice because he tried to relegate moshes responsbility to 10's 100;s and 1000's this in kabbalah is yetzirah 10's beriah 100's and atzilut 1000's. Adam kadmon = atika kadiasha and erich anpin = the keter was moshes job !