Why was Esther concerned that perhaps the Jewish people were weak in their relationship with Hashem and lost their dedication to Torah, and perhaps this had caused the decree of Haman? How does the story of Purim connect to the events of our Parsha with the giving of the Luchos and the sin of the Golden Calf? What was the Cataclysmic dream that Mordechai had before Esther entered the palace, that he reminded her of at the point of Haman's decree against the Jews? What do the two great battling serpents represent? How are the people of Israel caught in the middle of this great battle? What is the relationship of Amalek's arrival and the Jewish people's study of Torah? Why was Hashem giving the Luchos to Moshe for the Jewish people, even as they were sinning with the Golden Calf?
Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.
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