Thursday, December 27, 2018

Shemos - Love and Respect

Why did Moshe cover his face at the sight of the burning bush? Was this the right thing for him to do? Why did some sages see this as something he was punished for? Why did some sages see this as something he was rewarded for? How does one find the balance between Love and Respect for Hashem, and one's fellows?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 24:06

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Vayechi - Will Into Action

Why does Yakov want to reveal the Ketz-end of times? Why does he only reveal each of his sons' special character traits? What is behind their response of Shema Yisrael? What does the gemara mean when it tells us that Hashem says that if we come to His house, He will come to our house? What is the idea that the 'feet of a person are guarantors who lead him where he is meant to go?' What is the meaning of the skull of the drowned man that floated upon the water?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 22:51

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Vayigash - Mind and Heart

What is the difference between the kingship of Yosef and the kingship of Yehuda? What is the difference between the conscience of the mind and the conscience of the heart? What is the ideal dynamic between these two aspects and how they motivate us in our service of Hashem? What is represented by Yehuda stepping toward Yosef?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 27:41

Friday, December 7, 2018

Mikeitz - Trust and Action

What is the unique nature of Yosef's Bitachon-Trust in Hashem? Why is he called to task and punished by Hashem with two extra years in jail as a result of his interaction with Pharaoh's cupbearer? Why does he seem to give all credit to Hashem in some circumstances, and in others clearly take action on his own? Why does Yosef send his brothers through such an emotional roller coaster? How is Yosef able to read the signs Hashem has given him?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time 27:35