Friday, June 30, 2023

Chukas-Balak - Responsibility, Appreciation, Blessings

What can we learn from the negative ways of someone like Bilaam? How does Bilaam remove responsibility from himself for the great heights he has fallen from in his desire to curse the Jewish people? How does he deny the good that was done for him - his very existence is because of the people he wishes to curse - and seek the destruction of his benefactors? Why is it that if a person seeks to curse others, he ultimately is cursed himself? What is the lesson for us in each of these examples, as regards responsibility, appreciation, and seeking to bless others?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:20

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Bitachon 117 - On Tranquil Waters

We continue in chapter 23 of Tehillim (Psalms) with the 2nd passuk which speaks of the abundant grassy fields and the tranquil waters that Hashem, our Shepherd, brings us to. This reflects the abundance we are assured that Hashem will provide when we live with Bitachon in Him.

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Running time: 22:10

Friday, June 23, 2023

Korach-Chukas - Flowering Staff

Why does Moshe prove that Aharon is chosen by Hashem with a test of placing the staff of each prince in the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? Why, according to one opinion, is each prince's staff broken off from a single piece of wood? Why is Aharon's staff the very same staff of Yehuda? Why will that staff be used by Moshiach? What is the concept of the staff, in general? Why do these very staves serve to direct the water of the well to each of the tribes? How does this water parallel the Torah? Where is the source of the 'water' and the source of the Torah that it represents?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:01

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Bitachon 116 - Hashem is my Shepherd

We study the first passuk of the beloved chapter 23 of Tehillim - Hashem is my Shepherd, I will not lack anything. This entire chapter is referring to the way Hashem served as a Shepherd for His flock - the Jewish people, during their 40 year sojourn in the wilderness.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 21:28


Friday, June 16, 2023

Shlach & Korach - Torah is a Lifeline

What is the concept of the Tzitzis? How do they steer us away from the destructive seductions of the world around us? What is the concept of holiness? How did Korach use the concept of holiness in a negative way? Why did he come to Moshe holding a pair of tzitzis? Why did he seek advice on the matter from his wife? What was the mistake of Korach, and what is the true Torah outlook on hierarchy versus equality?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:47

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Bitachon 115 - From When I Was Born

We study Tehillim chapter 22 passuk 10 where King David speaks of the fact that Hashem took him out of the womb and provided his mother's milk to sustain him. This recognition of the kindness Hashem shows us from the moment of our birth is one that can help us remain confident throughout our time in this world.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 24:05

Friday, June 9, 2023

Behaaloscha & Shlach - Correcting Complaints

What is the theme that runs through both the stories in parshas Behaaloscha and Shlach? What was at the root of the complaint of the people about their not having meat? What was at the root of the people's belief that they could not succeed in conquering the land of Israel? How do these mistakes manifest in our own times? What is the correct approach to correcting these complaints?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:14

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Bitachon 114 - Tefillah & Bitachon

We continue our study with the next passuk in Tehillim chapter 22 passuk 6 which speaks of the Jewish people calling out to Hashem and being saved, and being saved in the merit of their Bitachon. This brings up the topic of the relationship between Tefillah (prayer) and Bitachon (trust) - how they can serve to reinforce each other.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time 23:01

Friday, June 2, 2023

Naso-Behaaloscha - Letting Hashem's Light Shine

What is the connection between the offerings of the Nesiim (princes) and the command to Aharon to light the Menorah in the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? What is the deeper connection between the lighting of the Menorah and the blessing of the Kohanim that they give to the Jewish people? What is the deeper lesson of the Menorah in the vision of Zechariah Hanavi? Why was the Jewish people 'embarrassed' by the redemption beginning on seeming to not complete immediately? What is the mitzvah of the Menorah that continues until this day, even without the presence of the Mishkan or Beis Hamikdash itself?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:23