Friday, December 30, 2022

Vayigash - Peace of the Wolf and Lamb

What is the concept of the wolf and the lamb pasturing together in the time of Moshiach? How does this parallel the cure of the deaf, mute and lame in the future time? What is the root of all imperfections in the world? Why are the dead brought back to life with their imperfections, and only afterwards restored to wholeness? How do the wolf and lamb parallel Binyamin and the brothers coming back together? How do the lion and cattle eating straw parallel Yosef and Yehuda coming back together?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:21

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Bitachon 91 - More Bitachon, More Hashgacha

We continue with pesukim from Tehillim (Psalms). Dovid Hamelech speaks of the three levels in the Jewish people - the general populace - 'Yisrael,' the house of Aharon - Kohen and Levi, and those who 'fear Hashem' - those study Torah and who strive for righteousness. The higher the level of dedication to Hashem, the deeper the Bitachon and the Hashgacha (Divine Assistance) that follows.

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Running time: 21:03

Friday, December 23, 2022

Mikeitz - Character Development

What is Yosef's goal in sending the brothers through these difficult trials and tribulaltions? How does Yehuda's request of Yosef express, on behalf of his mother, the appreciation for Rachel allowing Leah into the home of Yaakov? Why was this appreciation absent at the end of the story? How does Yosef use the middah (character trait) of quiet, which was an important middah of Rachel and her offspring? Why does this middah seem to be absent from Yosef at the beginning of the story when he speaks of his dreams? How does one develop their inborn talents and positive character traits?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:57

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Bitachon 90 - King David's Promise

We continue with verse from Tehillim (Psalms) that talk of Bitachon. Hashem is trusted by those from the farthest ends of the Earth and the distant seas. Hashem is the One who we have trusted since the innocence of youth. When we look for Hashem's kindnesses, we see them more, and they come more. Dovid Hamelech assures us, on Hashem's behalf, as it were, that if we trust in Hashem, we will not be disappointed.

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Running time: 23:00

Friday, December 16, 2022

Vayeshev - Life Trajectories

Why did Yaakov show favor to Yosef? What is meant by the fact that Yosef was of a similar 'look' to Yaakov? What is the idea behind his 'greater wisdom?' Why did Yaakov give him a 'coat of stripes?' What is represented by these stripes or lines? What is the teaching behind the fact that the coat 'reached to lines of his hand,' and that it 'fit into the palm of his hand?' Why does this same word (pasim-lines) denote a lottery, Yosef's trevails, and the splitting of the sea?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Bitachon 89 - Bitachon Merits Salvation

We continue in verses from Tehillim (Psalms) and discuss a number of ideas. Among them is the idea that the very faith itself is a reason for Hashem to perform the salvation we seek.

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Running time: 22:02

Friday, December 9, 2022

Vayishlach - Light Ends the Struggle

What is the backstory that predicated the struggle of Yaakov with the angel of Esav? Why did the angel appear as a fellow shepherd? How is the entire struggle of the Jewish people - throughout our thousands of years of exile - contained in this interaction? What are the lessons for our approach to commerce and spirituality as we traverse the lands of exile? Why did Yaakov believe that the angel was in fact a magician employing black magic? How did the angel prove his power was spiritual in nature, and what does that teach about the power of Esav? What is represented by the 'fire of Yaakov' which is greater than the smaller 'fire of Esav?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:27

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Bitachon 88 - Letting it be Hashem's Way

We continue in discussing ideas from Dovid Hamelech in Tehillim (Psalms), among them is the idea of trusting in Hashem to provide the very way itself that He will provide for us, not stipulating with Hashem how He 'should' send us our needs.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 22:31

Friday, December 2, 2022

Vayetzei - Early Sunrise of Redemption

How does Yakov Avinu (Jacob) represent the Jewish people's descent to exile and return to redemption? Why did the sun set early, and when did the sun 'get back' the two hours with an early sunrise? Why was Yakov referred to by the angels (and his son Yosef) as 'the Sun?' What is the 'key to redemption' that Yakov used and Hashem uses for the Jewish people in the future? What is represented by the 600,000 or 1.2 million angels who greeted Yakov on his return to Israel?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:55