Friday, December 29, 2023

Vayechi - Children of Israel, Gather

When Yakov calls his sons to bless them, to Whom Else does he call? What is the calling that we do on Rosh Hashana and what is decided on Yom Kippur? How does this parallel the blessings Yakov gave to his sons? Why are the people of Israel referred to as 'Jews' which derives from the name of Judah? Why does Yakov call his sons - the children of Israel - to gather? How does Yakov ask Hashem (G-d) to be manifest in the lives of his children, on through the end of days? How does the unity of the people of Israel bring about redemption and the destruction of Gog?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:24

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Bitachon 141 - Israel's Special Providence

We continue our study in chapter 33 passuk 18 of Tehillim (Psalms) which speaks of the "Eye of Hashem," which denotes His Divine Providence, which is upon those who revere Him, on those who hope for His kindness. Among the ideas we discuss is the idea that there is a special Hashgacha-Providence that applies to the people of Israel.

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Running time: 21:35

Friday, December 22, 2023

Vayigash - Unity in Israel

What does the story of Yosef and Yehuda and the brothers coming together represent, beyond the simple understanding of the verses? How do these two great paragons of leadership return to a state of unity alongside all the children of Israel? Why did we read the story of Shlomo Hemelech (King Solomon) with the two women fighting over a baby in last week's haftarah? Where was Yosef trying to lead his brothers through this whole challenge he put them through? In what way did Yehuda bow to Yosef's leadership, and in what way was Yehuda able to press Yosef to bow to his own will? How does this parallel the unity of the people of Israel today and the future coming together of all the disparate elements of the Jewish people?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:08

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Bitachon 140 - Levels of Divine Providence

We continue our study in chapter 33 passuk 18 of Tehillim (Psalms) which speaks of the "Eye of Hashem," which denotes His Divine Providence, which is upon those who revere Him, on those who hope for His kindness. We explore the contrast between times when the 'two eyes of Hashem' are upon us as opposed to when only 'one eye' is upon us.

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Running time: 24:35

Friday, December 15, 2023

Mikeitz - Destruction and Hope

Why does the verse say that Yakov 'sees' that there is food in Egypt, but then say that Yakov 'heard' there is food in Egypt? Why did Yakov lose his Ruach Hakodesh (Divine Inspiration), and what was his experience as it was about to return? Why does the Torah use the unusual word 'shever' to mean food, when ordinarily it uses the word 'ochel?' What is the 'sever' - hope - that Yakov has, without realizing it? What were the words that the fallen soldier, R' Elisha Loewenstern asked me to write a song to? How are we to look at the shever-breaking with sever-hope?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:10

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Bitachon 139 - Good Things Are Coming

We continue studying the passuk in Tehillim ch. 32 passuk 10 and we explore a few different lessons, among them - that when we have Bitachon we can be assured that good things are coming. We also discuss the different approaches in regards to healing and doctors as opposed to relying on Bitachon.

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Running time: 22:26

Friday, December 8, 2023

Vayeshev - Israel and the Arc of History

How does Hashem draw the people of Israel after Him? What is the understanding of the paradox of the 'chains of love?' Why do the People of Israel need to experience exile and subjugation to the nations of the world? What is the ultimate end of the great arc of Israel's history? How does this parallel the personal life of Yosef, as representative of the leaders of Israel? How do we see a certain sweetening of the judgment despite Yosef's being forcibly brought down to Egypt? How is this reflected in Yakov being brought down? How is this reflected in the idea that the Shechina (Divine Presence) accompanied Yosef into his exile?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:48

Friday, December 1, 2023

Vayishlach - Sacrificing for Israel

As Rochel was about to die in childbirth with the birth of Binayamin, what was the consolation the midwives offered with the statement, 'don't worry, this too is a boy?' Why did the two students of R' Yehoshua dress in Greek garb if they were truly Bnei Torah (students of Torah)? How did they respond to the Greek general who discovered them? Why did each of his challenges to them seem to imply that it is better to join the Hellenist movement rather than remain connected to Torah, and yet he himself acknowledged the implication of the Torah which is that spiritual pursuits are greater? Why does Hashem 'stand in judgment' in one place, and elsewhere He 'sits in judgment?' Why does it seem praiseworthy in the verse in Mishlei (Proverbs) to work the land?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:46

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bitachon 138 - Surrounded with Protection

We continue studying the passuk in Tehillim ch. 32 passuk 10 which speaks of the pain of the wicked, who have turned away from Hashem and are busy seeking to fill their physical desires. This contrasts with the righteous who, through their bitachon, are aware that they already have all they need, and they are surrounded by Hashem's kindness and protection.

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Running time: 21:44

Friday, November 24, 2023

Vayetzei - Jerusalem's Inspiration

Why does the Torah give us so much detail around the scene when Yakov arrives in Charan - the well, the three flocks, the rock that closes the well, how it was rolled off through a group effort? How does each of these elements parallel the well in the wilderness, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the Synagogue? How do we draw life giving inspiration in each of these circumstances and how does this inspiration last from the time it was initiated over 3000 years ago down until today?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bitachon 137 - Bitachon When We Sin?

We explore the passuk in Tehillim (Psalms) chapter 32 passuk 10, which speaks about the many pains and trials of the wicked person and how kindness surrounds the one who trusts in Hashem. We delve into the possibility that even a wicked person can employ bitachon, despite his wickedness, or perhaps because his faith turns him back from his evil ways.

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Running time: 21:58

Friday, November 17, 2023

Toldos - Esav vs. Yakov - External vs. Internal

Why did Gehenom enter into the room with Esav after Yakov left and had procured his blessings? Who is the one for whom that punishment is reserved? Why did Esav keep trapping animals and the angel kept releasing those animals? What is the reason why the food Yakov served Yitzchak to receive the brachos had 'every taste?' What does this have to do with the Manna, and with the six days of Creation and with the World to Come? How does this 'every taste' parallel the state of Yakov at the 'center' whereas Esav and the other nations of Exile represent directions away from the center?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:39

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Bitachon 136 - End of Exile

We continue exploring ch 31 verse 25 which speaks of the strengthening of the heart that occurs when we trust in Hashem. And this is especially important to face off with the many challenges that the Jewish people have endured throughout the millenia.

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Friday, November 10, 2023

Chayei Sarah - Yishmael's Final Fall

Why does the Torah first use a language of 'Shachan' to mean 'dwelling' and then 'Nafal,' which usually means to fall? What changed for Yishmael after Avraham's death? What is the difference between Yishmael and his offspring and how will that play out in the end of days? Why do the people of Edom and Yishmael try to claim the 'beauty of G-d' - the Holy Temple on the Temple Mount? Why do the Jewish people endure challenges and difficulties, sometimes fairly and sometimes unjustly, at the hands of the nations of the world? How are they ultimately paid back for the evil they did, beyond the call of justice? What are we to focus on in our times as we strive to make sense of current events?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:41

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Bitachon 135 - Israel's Enemies Are a Facade

We continue in ch 31 passuk 15 of Tehillim which speaks of two names of Hashem - one denoting Hashem's kindness, and one His judgment. We learn that Dovid hamelech was saying that the challenges that he faced with his enemies had nothing to do with his enemies, but only to do with his relationship with Hashem.

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Friday, November 3, 2023

Vayera - Israel's Eternal Promise

How does the promise Hashem made to Sarah that she would conceive parallel the promise Hashem made to the Jewish people of their final redemption? Why did the miracle birth take a typical nine months instead of taking place immediately? Why was Sarah first abducted by Avimelech before Hashem kept His promise to Sarah? How does this parallel what will happen to the Jewish people? Why were Avimelech's wives unable to give birth at that time? Why were the 'trees of the field' all made aware of this situation and how do they correspond to the nations of the world? Why do Avimelech and the nations of the world need to fall in order for Avraham, Sarah and the nation of Israel to be raised up?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Bitachon 134 - Wars Are Won by Hashem

We continue to explore chapter 31 of Tehillim (Psalms) this time passuk 7, which speaks of how Dovid Hamelech despises those who pursue any other means for determining their success in war. Only by trusting in Hashem can one be assured that one will succeed.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Lech Lecha - The Final War

Why did the 4 kings and 5 kings go out to battle? Why did they capture Avraham's nephew Lot and hold him captive? How does this war set a precedent for future wars of the Jewish people? How does it teach us about the four exiles the Jewish people would ultimately have to endure? How does Avraham's victory in this great battle serve to move his own spiritual mission forward? How does it parallel the future war that the Jewish people will wage and their own freedom to pursue their spiritual mission? What is the meaning of the explanation that the kings were drawn into this battle only in order to be vanquished by Avraham? How does this parallel the final war, which could be beginning now?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:45

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Bitachon 133 - Hashem Fights Our War

We learn together Tehillim ch. 31 passuk 2, which speaks of the trust of King David, and his request to not be embarrassed. This expresses our memory of previous redemptions that Hashem did, and our return to a state of exile and embarrassment. We pray for the Final Redemption that will complete our sense of security because it will be brought by the exclusive hand of Hashem, and will therefore be irreversible.

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Running time: 26:52

Friday, October 20, 2023

Noach - Only in Israel

What was the difference between Noach and Avraham? Would Noach have been greater if he was in a generation where there were others who also were spiritual giants? Why does the Torah say that Noach walked 'next to Hashem' as opposed to Avraham, who Hashem instructed to 'walk before Him?' What was the difference between Noach and Avraham's approach to spiritual matters? How does 'before Hashem' refer to the land of Israel? Why does Hashem wish for Avraham to spread his spiritual light specifically in Israel, and not just in the land of Aram which is outside of Israel? What is the deeper idea behind Hashem being 'like a shepherd for His flock?' How does the Jewish people act like the elders of a prince and 'announce that the prince is coming?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:36

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bitachon 132 - Redeem Us Finally!

We learn together Tehillim ch. 31 passuk 2, which speaks of the trust of King David, and his request to not be embarrassed. This expresses our memory of previous redemptions that Hashem did, and our return to a state of exile and embarrassment. We pray for the Final Redemption that will complete our sense of security because it will be brought by the exclusive hand of Hashem, and will therefore be irreversible.

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Running time: 21:30

Friday, October 13, 2023

Breishis - Intuiting Hashem's Hand

Why does the word for building (VaYiven) have the same root as the word for intuition (Bina)? What is the idea behind the concept of women's intuition being more advanced than men's? How can men's intuition become more developed as they go out into the world? Why does intuition relate to the concept of vows and awareness about the fact that the vow is made in Hashem's name? How can we apply the concept of intuition and awareness of Hashem to the current challenging situation facing us in Israel?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:02

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Moshiach 17 - 1948-1967-2024

What is the common thread that runs through the years 1948, 1967 and 2024, as well as the years 2005 (Gush Katif) and 1492 (Expulsion from Spain)? What is the concept of the Sod Ha'ibur - the Secret of the Leap Year, or, more literally, the Secret of the Pregnancy? What can we observe about the 19 year cycle of the Jewish calendar, which contains 7 leap year? What is special about the 8th year of that cycle? What is the 9 month 'birthing' process that begins every leap year - in Av of the year before? What starts to be revealed in the end of Tishrei of a leap year? What is behind the concept of the 70 day period from 25th of Adar until the 6th of Sivan? How does this explain the 70 days from 28th of Iyar (Yom Yerushalayim) and the 9th of Av? What did the Chofetz Chaim predict about where in the world would remain safe during World War II? What is the unique power of Moshiach ben Yosef in destroying the Persians (Iran) and facing off with the nations of the world?

Find out all this and more in this 17th edition of the Moshiach Podcast.

Running time: 56:34

Friday, October 6, 2023

Vzos Habracha-Simchas Torah - Starting Over

Why does the Torah end with the sad story of Moshe Rabeinu's final request - to enter Israel - being denied? Why did Moshe feel confident that his prayers would be answered despite the decree of Hashem? What did Hashem do to make sure the prayers of Moshe would not ascend? Why does the Torah start with the story of Creation going straight to the Exodus and the Jewish people becoming a nation? What is the lesson in ending the Torah on a sad note and returning to the beginning of the Torah with this point of the story of Creation?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:36

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Bitachon 131 - Relax Into Hashem's Hands

We continue in pesukim from Tehillim in chapter 28 verse 7, which speaks of King David's confidence that Hashem would provide for him even before the good things arrive, and the song that he feels in his heart, as Hashem inspires him to believe completely in the upcoming salvation.

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Running time: 23:45

Friday, September 29, 2023

Succos - The Mitzvos We Love

Why was Rabban Gamliel willing to spend 1000 zuzim on his Lulav and Esrog set, the equivalent value of 500 goats? Why did the people of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) walk around all day holding their set of arba minim (4 species)? Why did King Solomon indicate that he could not understand the concept of the arba minim? How do the four species represent the different aspects of the Jewish people? How do they correspond to the four letters of Hashem's holy name? What can we think about as we perform the mitzvos we love?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Bitachon 130 - Leave the Linear

We discuss a midrash that speaks of the difference between the 'linear' world, where everything is 'predetermined' and the transcendent realm - which involves Torah and Mitzvos - where financial matters related to them are fluid and expansive.

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Running time: 21:20 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Haazinu-Yom Kippur - Lend Your Ear

How do the concepts of Heaven and Earth correspond to the human being that is composed of soul and body? What is behind the Midrash's statement that because Moshe 'lent his ear' to hear what the Torah said, therefore the Heaven and Earth were silenced when Moshe spoke? What are the boundaries that Hashem set for the world, and how does it ingrain awe in us when those boundaries are broken? How does the Tzadik's ability to bend nature serve to give us more fear of Heaven? How does all of this relate to Yom Kippur?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:00

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Bitachon 129 - Trust in a Good Judgment

We explore a Midrash that explains the first pesukim of chapter 27 that we have been learning for the last few weeks, and it does so in the context of the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur which have a special relationship to Bitachon and trust in a good judgment.

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Running time: 20:22

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Rosh Hashana - Day of Hashem's Mercy

Why did Hashem make the day of reckoning for the world to be on the day of Adam's creation? How was the decree of Adam after his sin reflective of Hashem's mercy? What does the Shofar represent and what is the meaning of the root Sh-F-R - 'beautify' - as it applies to the Shofar and to Rosh Hashana? Why is the Shofar shaped in such a way as to be thin on one side and wide on the other? How does the Shofar cause Hashem to leave His throne of judgment and sit on His throne of Mercy?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:46


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Bitachon 128 - Hashem Strenthens Your Heart

We continue studying the final passuk in Tehillim ch 27 which speaks of strengthening our confidence in Hashem, and we discover that when we try our best to strengthen our Bitachon, Hashem responds by strengthening us in return.

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Running time: 22:03

Friday, September 8, 2023

Nitsavim-Vayelech - Walk Through the Gate

What is the concept of the blessing we make before and after studying Torah? What is the difference between Torah study and the study of all other intellectual pursuits? What is the secret of the Queen bee and how does it relate to Torah study? How do we merit blessings in our lives? How do we approach the study of Torah, which seems to be so vast and intimidating at times? How do we begin a life of lasting change?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:39

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Bitachon 127 - Hope to Hashem

We explore the last passuk of L'Dovid Hashem Ori which speaks of how we are to 'hope to Hashem, strengthen our hearts, and hope to Hashem.' In understanding this we speak about a few points - among them: that prayer and Bitachon go hand in hand, as the prayer reinforces my belief that all my needs come from Hashem. The second is that the Bitachon and prayer of a person, even when it's not immediately answered, serves to reinforce the Bitachon itself. A third is that our prayers need to be real - with our hearts, and they need to be directed to the location of the Holy of Holies.

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Running time: 22:23

Friday, September 1, 2023

Ki Savo - Rain, Livelihood, Resurrection

Why do the concepts of Rain, Livelihood and Resurrection of the dead all have the word 'opening' used in their contexts? What do these three things have in common? Why do we mention that Hashem brings rain in the context of the second bracha of Shemoneh Esrei, which speaks of Him bringing the dead to life? Why do we ask for the blessings upon the earth and grains to grow, but not really speak directly about livelihood? What is the song that is related to the falling of the rain and the resurrection of the dead?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:07

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Bitachon 126 - King David Trusts in This

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 27 passuk 3 - the very chapter we are reading now during Elul - L'dovid Hashem Ori. Dovid Hamelech refers to 'this' that he trusts in, despite the enemy encampments that surround him. 'This' refers to the Torah, to the light and guidance of Hashem, and His promise of help for those who trust in Him.

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Running time: 21:13

Friday, August 25, 2023

Ki Seitze - Push Away Negativity

What is the lesson we are to learn from 'what happened to Miriam' when we left Egypt? Why does negative speech cause the Divine Presence to leave us, Heaven forbid? How does focusing on the positive have the opposite effect - bringing Hashem into our lives, and bringing about salvation and Siyata Dishmaya? Why were the Jewish people unable to build the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) in the times of King Saul, even though they had the prerequisites of a king and had destroyed Amalek? How does negativity cause us to lose in battle, while positivity brings about victory?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:53

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Bitachon 125 - Bitachon for the Right Things

We study together ch. 26 passuk 1 which speaks of Dovid Hamelech's conviction of his straightness and confidence in Hashem. We study a few angles of this, but one of them is the importance of having Bitachon in Hashem specifically as regards our relationship with Hashem, and making sure we focus this powerful tool on our spiritual lives.

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Running time: 19:25

Friday, August 18, 2023

Shoftim - Getting Right With Others

What is greater - the sacrifices brought in the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) or proper judgment, justice and charity? Why are Tzedakah and Mishpat (charity and judgment) so central? Why did King David rejoice when people wished for the Beis Hamikdash to be built, even though it implied his own death, as it was his son who was destined to build it? Why does Hashem promise that Dovid Hamelech will live a full life - despite the fact that the building of the Beis Hamikdash will be delayed? What was Dovid's unique approach in judging peoples' court cases and how did he perform charity in the judgment?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:26

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Bitachon 124 - Prayer and Simplicity

We study together the pesukim at the end of chapter 25 in Tehillim (Psalms) which speak of Dovid Hamelech's prayer, which strengthens his Bitachon. We also speak of another tool he uses - going simply in the straight path of Hashem.

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Running time: 24:08

Friday, August 11, 2023

Reeh - Amassing Spiritual Power

Why does the Torah speak of a single mitzvah (commandment) when it refers to keeping all of the mitzvos? How does the mitzvah of Krias Shema (Hear O Israel) include all of the mitzvos? What is the unique spiritual power of this powerful statement? How do we strengthen the myriad angels that surround us and weaken the negative spiritual forces that threaten us? What is the announcement those negative forces make when they see we are true servants of Hashem? How does Krias Shema protect us from morning until night?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:49

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Bitachon 123 - Following King David's Lead

We continue with chapter 25 verse 3, the next verse, where Dovid Hamelech (King David) asks Hashem to not only support his own Bitachon, but also that He should respond to the hope of anyone who trusts in Him. We discuss the contrast between Bitachon-confidence versus Kivui-hope. We also talk about the difference between the people themselves and their righteous leaders.

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Running time: 22:49

Friday, August 4, 2023

Ekev - Hashem Keeps His Promises

What is the difference between the wicked, who experience a more immediate downfall, as opposed to the Righteous, whose reward is saved for them for a thousand generations? What do we learn from the story of R' Pinchas ben Yair, where he saved and replanted the grains that were given to him to watch, and returned a great storehouse of grain after seven years? How does this reflect the way Hashem repays us for our good deeds? What is the lesson of the story of the daughter of the well digger, who almost drowned, but was saved by the prayer of R' Pinchas ben Yair?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:20

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Bitachon 122 - Super Bitachon

We discuss the passuk in chapter 25 of Tehillim which speaks of how we can trust Hashem - for His sake - so that there not be a desecration of His name. We also hear the story of someone who I met who told me about his 'Super Bitachon' which got him a trip to Eretz Yisrael with his family, and how he was inspired by the song 'BiYerushalayim.'

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Running time: 19:31

Friday, July 28, 2023

Vaeschanan - Cities of Refuge

Why was Moshe insistent on setting aside the cities of refuge on the Eastern side of the Jordan river if they would not be activated until a number of years later? When was Moshe the beneficiary of a 'city of refuge,' or more accurately, a miraculous salvation from Hashem, after which he ran away from Pharaoh? What was the miraculous way he was saved? How did Hashem remind him of this salvation many years later when he was to be sent to save the Jewish people? What is the idea of Moshe 'singing a shira-song' for this salvation? Where is the place of refuge in our times?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:48

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Bitachon 121 - Good and Kindness Pursue Me

We continue with Tehillim ch. 23 verse 6, which speaks of Good and Kindness that pursue me forever. This indicates the desire to be able to live a spiritual life with connection to Hashem's Torah and opportunities to do kindness to others. According to the Chofetz Chaim, it also represents our desire that the challenges that are decreed upon us - and we are to experience in any event - that they come as a result of our dedication to Hashem and his Torah, and not just for meaningless reasons.

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Running time: 17:30

Friday, July 21, 2023

Devarim - Og's Piece of Cake

Why did the nations seem at first to fear the people of Israel, then come out bravely to attack us as we approached their territory? What was the strength they saw in us and what was our perceived weakness? Why did the Emori people ultimately bless 'the hands' of Moshe, even as they were being defeated? Why did Og, king of Bashn, receive his name from the word 'ooga' which means a piece of cake? What are the two ways of perceiving this Matza-cake? Why did Og talk about the 'puny' nature of Yitzchak when he was born and express his desire to 'crush him with his little finger?' How was Og ultimately felled, and what will be the feeling of the nations of the world as regards the Jewish people in the end of days?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 32:37

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Bitachon 120 - Torah and Abundance

We continue with Tehillim ch. 23 verse 5, which speaks of the 'set table' that Hashem places before us and across from our enemies, and the oil upon our heads and the overflowing cup. All of these represent the abundance Hashem wishes to bestow upon us when we follow his Torah.

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Running time: 16:21

Friday, July 14, 2023

Matos-Masei - Israel the Desired Land

What did Bircas Hamazon (Grace after Meals) look like when the Jews were still wandering in the wilderness? Why is Israel referred to as the 'desired land' in the second blessing of Bircas Hamazon, and why is it such a central theme to the blessing for food? Why do we refer also to the bris, the Torah, and life in this second blessing? Why did Hashem give this special land to the people of Israel? Why did the 31 kings desire this land for centuries, and what is meant by their desire to 'drink of its waters?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:15

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Bitachon 119 - Times of Challenge

We continue with Tehillim ch. 23 verse 4, which moves on from the times of prosperity and open kindness, and acknowledges that there are times of challenge which come - in those challenges, our Bitachon reminds us that Hashem is there with us and is using the challenges for our ultimate growth.

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Running time: 22:37

Friday, July 7, 2023

Pinchas - Women's Intuition

Why does the story of the daughters of Tzlafchad immediately follow the statement of the Torah about the death of a generation because of the sin of the spies? What are the two instances where the women 'fixed that which the men broke?' What made the women defy the men and retain their trust in Hashem despite the many voices to the contrary? Why does the Torah enumerate the lineage of these righteous women? What was the lesson of the death of Uza, as he tried to catch the Aron (Ark) for Dovid and what was the lesson of the daughters of Tzlafchad for Moshe?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:36

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Bitachon 118 - Tranquility of the Soul

We continue in chapter 23 of Tehillim with the concept of the 'soul's tranquility.' The word for tranquility is 'yeshovev' which can actually be understood in a few different ways. The main idea of the verse is that when we have Bitachon we not only have all of our physical needs, but we are also promised to have our spiritual needs.

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Running time: 22:43

Friday, June 30, 2023

Chukas-Balak - Responsibility, Appreciation, Blessings

What can we learn from the negative ways of someone like Bilaam? How does Bilaam remove responsibility from himself for the great heights he has fallen from in his desire to curse the Jewish people? How does he deny the good that was done for him - his very existence is because of the people he wishes to curse - and seek the destruction of his benefactors? Why is it that if a person seeks to curse others, he ultimately is cursed himself? What is the lesson for us in each of these examples, as regards responsibility, appreciation, and seeking to bless others?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:20

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Bitachon 117 - On Tranquil Waters

We continue in chapter 23 of Tehillim (Psalms) with the 2nd passuk which speaks of the abundant grassy fields and the tranquil waters that Hashem, our Shepherd, brings us to. This reflects the abundance we are assured that Hashem will provide when we live with Bitachon in Him.

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Running time: 22:10

Friday, June 23, 2023

Korach-Chukas - Flowering Staff

Why does Moshe prove that Aharon is chosen by Hashem with a test of placing the staff of each prince in the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? Why, according to one opinion, is each prince's staff broken off from a single piece of wood? Why is Aharon's staff the very same staff of Yehuda? Why will that staff be used by Moshiach? What is the concept of the staff, in general? Why do these very staves serve to direct the water of the well to each of the tribes? How does this water parallel the Torah? Where is the source of the 'water' and the source of the Torah that it represents?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:01

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Bitachon 116 - Hashem is my Shepherd

We study the first passuk of the beloved chapter 23 of Tehillim - Hashem is my Shepherd, I will not lack anything. This entire chapter is referring to the way Hashem served as a Shepherd for His flock - the Jewish people, during their 40 year sojourn in the wilderness.

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Running time: 21:28


Friday, June 16, 2023

Shlach & Korach - Torah is a Lifeline

What is the concept of the Tzitzis? How do they steer us away from the destructive seductions of the world around us? What is the concept of holiness? How did Korach use the concept of holiness in a negative way? Why did he come to Moshe holding a pair of tzitzis? Why did he seek advice on the matter from his wife? What was the mistake of Korach, and what is the true Torah outlook on hierarchy versus equality?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:47

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Bitachon 115 - From When I Was Born

We study Tehillim chapter 22 passuk 10 where King David speaks of the fact that Hashem took him out of the womb and provided his mother's milk to sustain him. This recognition of the kindness Hashem shows us from the moment of our birth is one that can help us remain confident throughout our time in this world.

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Running time: 24:05

Friday, June 9, 2023

Behaaloscha & Shlach - Correcting Complaints

What is the theme that runs through both the stories in parshas Behaaloscha and Shlach? What was at the root of the complaint of the people about their not having meat? What was at the root of the people's belief that they could not succeed in conquering the land of Israel? How do these mistakes manifest in our own times? What is the correct approach to correcting these complaints?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:14

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Bitachon 114 - Tefillah & Bitachon

We continue our study with the next passuk in Tehillim chapter 22 passuk 6 which speaks of the Jewish people calling out to Hashem and being saved, and being saved in the merit of their Bitachon. This brings up the topic of the relationship between Tefillah (prayer) and Bitachon (trust) - how they can serve to reinforce each other.

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Running time 23:01

Friday, June 2, 2023

Naso-Behaaloscha - Letting Hashem's Light Shine

What is the connection between the offerings of the Nesiim (princes) and the command to Aharon to light the Menorah in the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? What is the deeper connection between the lighting of the Menorah and the blessing of the Kohanim that they give to the Jewish people? What is the deeper lesson of the Menorah in the vision of Zechariah Hanavi? Why was the Jewish people 'embarrassed' by the redemption beginning on seeming to not complete immediately? What is the mitzvah of the Menorah that continues until this day, even without the presence of the Mishkan or Beis Hamikdash itself?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:23

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bitachon 113 - Miracles Then, Miracles Now

We study the passuk in Tehillim chapter 22 passuk 5 which speaks of the trust our forefathers had in Hashem, and how He redeemed us from the Egyptian bondage. This is a reminder we need each and every day to strengthen our courage and faith in Hashem that just as He performed miracles for us then, so will He continue to perform miracles for each individual in the present.

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Running time: 20:50

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Nasso-Shavuos - Torah Cures All Ills

What is the parallel between receiving the Torah at Har Sinai and the Mishkan (Tabernacle) which had the Tablets at its center in the Ark of the Covenant? How do we know that all the physical blemishes of the people were cured at the giving of the Torah? Why is the proof of this from their statements of subservience to Hashem's will? What was the effect of the return of the blemishes in the form of Tzara'as (spiritual leprosy) and Zav? What do we learn from the fact that these also need to be sent out of the camp?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:45

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Bitachon 112 - The King's Bitachon

We study the passuk in Tehillim ch. 21 passuk 8, which is the prayer of King David that speaks of his trusting in Hashem - despite the great power at his disposal - and the true kindness of Hashem which never falters.

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Running time: 20:19

Friday, May 19, 2023

Bamidbar - Never Ending Love

What is the concept of the counting of the Jewish people? Why does it seem to denote judgment on one hand, and love on the other? Why does Hashem speak (through the prophet Hoshea) of the inability to count the Jewish people in the context of His anger at them? Why does He refer to us as 'not His nation' and then immediately reassure as that we will always be His nation? What is the analogy of the king who is angered at his queen and threatens to divorce as he simultaneously buys her expensive jewelery? What is it that the nations of the world attempt to do to extinguish Hashem's love for us - yet they do not succeed?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:05

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Bitachon 111 - Hashem is my Shield

We explore some core concepts based on the passuk in Tehillim chapter 18 passuk 31 that speaks of the connection between the pure Torah and Bitachon - that when one keeps it correctly, it serves as a shield for the one who is connected to Hashem.

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Running time: 19:58

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Behar-Bechukosai - Transformative Kindness

Why was Avraham rewarded for his kindness with the angels if they did not need the food and drink he offered them? Why was this reward 'paid' to his great great grandchildren, and not directly to him immediately? Why was it such a great lack in the people of Amon and Moav who did not give food and drink to the Jewish people if they already had all the food and drink they needed anyway? Why are all their offspring punished by being unable to fully convert to Judaism? Why was Yisro rewarded for feeding Moshe when he was obligated to do so out of gratitude for Moshe's kindness to his daughters? Why was this kindness also paid back to his great great grandchildren? What is the lesson of the kindness of Boaz to Rus (Ruth)?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:30

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Bitachon 110: My Rock and Fortress

We study the passuk in Tehillim ch 18 passuk 3 which speaks of Hashem as the Rock and Fortress of King David. But this is not just a praise for the past salvations, but also can be directed as a prayer for future help from Hashem.

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Running time: 22:27

Friday, May 5, 2023

Emor - Stepping Out and Looking In

Why do the righteous need to 'step out' or 'go out' of their place in Paradise in order to see the wicked suffering in Gehenom? Why do the righteous rejoice in the fact that they experienced suffering in this world? What is the concept of the word 'kerum' which has a dual meaning - raising up and being rooted in a vineyard? What is the concept behind the 'taking out' of the righteous by the nations of the world to be punished for their commitment to Torah? What is the ultimate 'taking out' of the wicked which finally shows the root of their place?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Bitachon 109 - Remove My Enemies' Power

We study Tehillim ch 17 passuk 7, which is Dovid Hamelech's request of Hashem to support those who trust Him and take away the power of those who defy Hashem. Among other ideas, we discuss how the fact that our enemies have power from Hashem is the reason we can be assured that Hashem will ultimately protect us and take that power away from our enemies.

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Running time: 20:26

Friday, April 28, 2023

Acharei-Kedoshim - Entering the Holy of Holies

What is the connection between the 1st of Nissan and Yom Kippur? When was the command given initially to contribute to the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? Why was Aharon specifically commanded about all of the service of Yom Kippur on the day of the dedication of the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? How do the offerings of the High Priest correspond to the central themes in the lives of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov? What is the significance of the fact that those central events either took place on or were intimately connected to Yom Kippur?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:42

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Bitachon 108 - Joy of Bitachon

We study together the passuk in Tehillim ch 16 passuk 9 which speaks of the great joy of both body and soul when we realize that Hashem is always with us and standing at our side through the good times and the challenges.

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Running time: 21:52

Friday, April 21, 2023

Tazria-Metzora - Leadership & Responsibility

What is the concept of the spiritual leprosy called 'Tzara'as?' Why does the Torah use the word 'Adam' which seems to refer not just to the Jewish people, but also to the nations of the world? Why is the Queen afraid when she sees the whip hanging on the wall, and what does the King mean when he calms her by saying to eat, drink, and be joyful, as they are meant for the servants and not for her? Why did R' Yehuda Hanasi blame himself when he hurt his pinky, and what did R' Yishmael mean when he said it was the fault of the people of the generation? What can be learned from the teaching that a woman can cause her baby to be leprous through her own sins?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:13

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Bitachon 107 - Trust Only in Hashem

We study together Tehillim ch 16 passuk 1 which speaks of the 'crown' of King David - which was the request that always 'surrounded' him - that Hashem protect him and fulfill his trust. Despite the personal bodyguards that a king naturally has - his only wish was to depend directly and solely on Hashem.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 19:56

Friday, April 14, 2023

Shmini - Addicted to Torah

Why did the sons of Aharon - Nadav and Avihu - lose their lives on the day of the dedication of the Mishkan (Tabernacle)? What is the intense negative power of addiction to wine? What is the lesson of the story of the drunk man who was left in a cemetery and found kegs of wine there when he awoke? When does Hashem provide special assistance for a person's desires, even if they are negative? How can we become 'addicted' to Torah?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:01

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bitachon 106 - Hope of the Hopeless

We explore the passuk in Tehillim ch 14 passuk 6-7 which speaks of the hope of the poor person, which sometimes can be misplaced as he hopes the rich man will help him. But the truth that remains to be revealed is that it is Hashem who ultimately helps him. And this is also true of the 'poor man' which is a reference to the people of Israel - how their hope ultimately needs to be placed in Hashem, from whom their salvation really comes.

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Running time: 18:24

Monday, April 10, 2023

Pesach - Revealing Hashem's Light

What is the parallel between the Exodus from Egypt and the future Redemption in the Messianic age? How do we use the Seder and the Haggadah, not just as a reminder of what happened in the distant past, but also as preparation for the near future? What are the ten ways that Hashem will 'renew' the world when Moshiach arrives? What is the 'sapphire stone' that Hashem will use to build Jerusalem, and how will the whole world reflect and reveal Hashem's light and how the Jewish people reflect that light in the world?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Bitachon 105 - Trusting in His Kindness

We explore the well known passuk 'va'ani b'chasdecha batachti' - which is Dovid Hamelech's declaration that despite it all - whether he was worthy or not - he trusted in Hashem's kindness at every point, and he was joyous before the salvation came, and afterwards as well.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 20:15

Friday, March 31, 2023

Tzav - We Must Return Before Moshiach Comes

What are the differences between the Olah sacrifice and the Shelamim sacrifice? Were both in existence before the Torah was given? What is the hint to the fact that the Shelamim sacrifice was a new idea that the Torah brought forth? What are the 'winds of the North' that are awakened, and how do they compare to the 'winds of the South?' What is meant by the words of sages that the Jewish people shall return 'from the North' and come 'to the South?' How does this involve Gog and Magog and Moshiach? How do these two winds ultimately blow at the same time, although they are contradictory? What is meant by the fact that we must give 'permission' to Hashem to return to His Holy Temple?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:14

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Bitachon 104 - Confidence in Hashem

We discuss the passuk in Tehillim - ch. 11 verse 1 - which talks of Dovid Hamelech's confidence in Hashem, despite all the voices that claim he should 'be like a bird flying far into the mountains' in fear. It's that sense of confidence that he feels that helps him know that his request for help will be answered.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 20:15

Friday, March 24, 2023

Vayikra - Longing to Return

What is the lesson of the reference of geirim (converts) as 'those who return to the Divine shadow?' In what ways are the geirim compared to the people of Israel themselves, who are like grains and vines? Why does Hashem call out to Moshe from the Tabernacle specifically with the name given to him by the daughter of Pharoah? Why do we read this calling and the previous parshios which deal with the construction of the Tabernacle specifically right before Pesach (Passover)? What is the idea of 'Lebanon' which is referred to in the verses in Hoshea - sometimes as a reference to the land of Israel, and sometimes as a reference to the Beis Hamikdash (Temple)?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:17

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Bitachon 103 - Knowing Hashem's Name

We explore the famous passuk 'v'yivtichu vecha' that talks of those who know Hashem's name and trust in Him, and how Hashem never forsakes those who seek Him. When we understand that Hashem's name means that He is always with us, this gives us the strength to have full confidence in His ultimate salvation.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 23:23

Friday, March 17, 2023

Vayakhel-Pekudei - Drawing Down Blessings

What is the concept of 'with the bringing' of contributions, there is also a 'contribution of Hashem?' What is the concept of the word 'v'zos' - and this? How does one draw down blessings upon oneself? How does one merit Divine Assistance - the presence of the Shechina-Divine Presence? What is the concept of Knesses Yisrael - the Congregation of Israel? Why are the Jewish people referred to as the 'contribution of Hashem?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:36

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Bitachon 102 - Growth from the Challenges

We discuss the verse which speaks of the Hashem saving us from the challenging situation, but is understood to mean that the very challenge itself serves to humble us and bring us to a spiritual level which itself serves to bring about the salvation we seek.

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Running time: 21:38

Friday, March 10, 2023

Ki Sisa - Knowing and Doing

What was it that Hashem 'saw' before He created the world? What is the difference between seeing and hearing? How does this relate to Chochma/Wisdom and Binah/Intuitive Understanding? What are the stages of the Torah's unfolding, first at Sinai, then with the Tabernacle, and then as the Jews were about to enter Israel? Where do we see that it is not enough to understand the material before giving a lecture, but it needs to first be expressed to oneself? Why is the prerequisite for Torah 'Yiras Chet' - fear of sin? Why was Yocheved rewarded with a child - Moshe - who would give the Torah, and why was Miriam rewarded with a great grandchild - Betzalel - who would form the Tabernacle?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:42

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Bitachon 101 - Ask For Torah Success

We explore the idea that in order for the request we make with our Bitachon to be fulfilled, the focus needs to be on success in Torah, mitzvos and spiritual matters - then we are guaranteed that we will have Divine Assistance.

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Running time: 25:23

Friday, March 3, 2023

Tetzaveh - Diamonds and Covenants

Why is the concept of the Bris-Covenant (Circumcision) the very merit that Aharon the High Priest is accompanied by when he enters the Holy of Holies to get atonement for the Jewish people? How does this parallel the fact that the Efod, containing the 12 precious stones that correspond to the 12 tribes also serves as a merit for their atonement? What is the concept of eight and how does it manifest in the eighth day of the bris and the eight garments of the high priest? What are the 'bundles' of sins and how are they atoned for by the 'bundles' of mitzvos (commandments)?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 24:55

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Bitachon 100 - Rejoice with Bitachon

We discuss the pasuk which speaks of the joy that the individual has when they trust in Hashem and ultimately see the salvation that is in store for them. This is true on a national level, and also on a personal level. The Tzadik-Righteous one is defined as one who has Bitachon.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

running time: 19:57

Friday, February 24, 2023

Terumah - Unique Relationship

Why is the gematria of Torah only 611 if the number of commandments is 613? What is the concept of the Torah being a 'yerusha' - an inheritance? How is it that our relationship to the Torah is at first like an engagement, and then like a full marriage? What is the unique relationship that every member of Klal Yisrael can have with Hashem and with His Torah? How can we contribute toward the dwelling of Hashem's presence in our lives - both from our inheritances and from that which we receive in the present?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:09

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bitachon 99 - Offerings of Righteousness

We discuss the passuk in Tehillim (Psalms) where King David asks us to give 'offerings of righteousness' and then to 'have bitachon in Hashem.' This can mean a number of different things, but the underlying theme is that if we focus on our spiritual accomplishments, we can be sure that we will see the reward in the end, which is a relationship with Hashem.

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Friday, February 17, 2023

Mishpatim - Pursue Peace

What is the idea behind the fact that Hashem's strength is revealed through justice? Who falsely claims power, and who honestly acknowledges that all power belongs to Hashem? How are we to use the pursuit of justice in our pursuit of peace? Why does Hashem hold off judgment on the nations of the world? What is the correct use of anger, and who uses it incorrectly, and will ultimately brought to task? What is the concept of the 'cup of judgment' that 'runs over?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:17

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bitachon 98 - Sleep Soundly

We continue discussing the passuk in Tehillim, where Dovid Hamelech describes his ability to sleep soundly and get up with renewed strength because of his faith in Hashem, despite the incredible challenges he faced.

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Running time: 19:01

Friday, February 10, 2023

Yisro - The Lord Roared (Sinai & Moshiach)

What is the concept of the 'Lion's Roar' as it pertains to the powerful statement of Hashem, the first of the Ten Commandments - 'Anochi Hashem' - I am Hashem your God? How does this same Lion's Roar express itself in lamenting the Temple Mount being in the hands of idolators? What is the parallel between the different 'Lions' we find in pesukim - The Jewish people (as represented by Judah), the House of David, the Beis Hamikdash (Temple)? What is the lesson behind the teaching that all of reality was completely silent at the moment that Hashem said 'Anochi Hashem?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:06

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Bitachon 97 - Bedrock of Serenity

We complete the section in the sefer Bitach BaHashem that quotes verses, with Shlomo Hamelech's reminder that the fear itself can bring the very thing we fear, Heaven forbid. We also begin another book with quotes from pesukim about Bitachon, starting with Dovid Hamelech saying that he did not have trouble sleeping in times of distress, because he had the bedrock of serenity afforded by Bitachon.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 20:34

Friday, February 3, 2023

Beshalach - Yearning for Completion

In what way are the Jewish people compared to a newly released bird that escapes from its ambushed nest? Why does the bird first wander from rooftop to rooftop until it finds a new and more beautiful nest? Why is the Jewish people's wandering only complete after the Temple is built, and not just with its entry into the land of Israel? Why was Pharaoh so sad with the exit of the Jewish people from his land? Why was Moshe Rabenu sad, in a certain sense, when the Jewish people were exiting Egypt?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:17

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Bitachon 96 - No Fear of a Falling Leaf

We return to verses in Mishlei (Proverbs) that speak about Bitachon. We discuss the difference between the wicked person who is afraid of a falling leaf, because of his lack of belief, in contrast to the righteous person whose confidence in Hashem leads him to be courageous in the face of even real threats.

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Running time: 19:56

Friday, January 27, 2023

Bo - Har Habayis - Space of the Throne

What is the message of the mitzvah of making the month of Nissan special for the Jewish people? What is the uniqueness of the Jewish people that makes them suited to make this their special month? What are the two modes through which they are able to destroy their enemies? What is the importance of the space of the Beis Hamikdash - beyond the Beis Hamikdash itself, and how does it prove the Jewish people's specialness and chosenness?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:17

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Bitachon 95 - Bitachon Saves From Gehenom

We continue exploring the fascinating understanding of the Ramchal in 'kivui' - showing desire for Hashem's salvation, which draws Hashem Himself, as it were, to the side of the person experiencing troubles. Getting into the habit of Bitachon takes a person to a place where his sins are forgiven and he can actually use Bitachon to escape the ravages of Gehenom!

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 22:56

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Vaera - Purpose of the Frogs - Buildup of Redemption

Why did Hashem create flies and mosquitos that seem to have no purpose other than to be annoying? Why did Hashem create snakes and scorpions that cause damage to humans? What is the message of the frogs that is, in a certain sense, equal to the message of the prophets? What is indicated by the use of the word Negef-striking in relationship to the frogs if it is more relevant to the plague of Dever-pandemic? How does this all relate to the redemption process that we are experiencing in our very times?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast

Running time: 23:27

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Bitachon 94 - Ramchal's Understanding

We dive deep into a relatively short essay by the Ramchal about Bitachon and the concept of Kivui - hoping to Hashem, and how that relates to the Hebrew word 'kav' which means a line. It is through Bitachon that we literally draw ourselves a line directly to Hashem.

CLICK HERE to listen to the audio

Running time: 18:53

Friday, January 13, 2023

Shemos - Selflessness Brings Redemption

What was the reward that Pharaoh offered the midwives in exchange for their act of infanticide? How did they go above in beyond in defying Pharaoh's decree? How did the decree actually cause there to be no birth defects or stillborns amongst the babies born to the Jewish people? What was the special reward in the area of Torah and Shechina (Divine Spirit) that was rewarded to the midwives? How did their personal acts of self sacrifice bring about the redemption of the national Jewish people?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:58

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Bitachon 93 - Bitachon Protects Our Children

We now begin studying verses from Mishlei, words of wisdom from Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon). He encourages us to align our will with Hashem's will and strengthen our Bitachon alongside that. In addition, besides for the spiritual inheritance we bequeath to our children, we also provide a protective shield for them when we have Bitachon.

CLICK HERE to hear the audio

Running time: 21:57

Friday, January 6, 2023

Vayechi - Bury me in Israel

Why did Yaakov not want to be buried in Egypt? Why couldn't the burial in Israel wait, as it did for Yosef, whose bones were eventually brought for final burial in Israel? What is the great importance of being buried specifically in Israel? What happens to the bones of the righteous who were not buried in Israel - at the time of Techiyas Hameisim (Revival of the Dead)? Why did Rebbe get upset when he saw the bones of someone from outside of Israel being brought for burial in Israel?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:54

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Interesting Gematria for תשפ״ג

The passuk says that Yaakov bowed down to Esav seven times until he reached him - עד גשתו אליו

The two words in bold have the gematria of תשפ״ג.

To me, this seems to indicate that the end of Klal Yisrael's bowing to Esav is this year, as spoken about in the keitz meguleh blog.

also interesting to me that the first of the two words is עד= 74 - indicating that the total number of years we 'bow' to Esav is 74 years. In the 75th, we break free.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Bitachon 92 - Ask for Kindness

Dovid Hamelech teaches us that we can not compare trusting in Hashem even to trusting a person who is generous and kind. We also learn the passuk which teaches us that we can ask Hashem to show us the light of morning, even when we are in the darkness of night.

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Running time: 20:48