Friday, August 9, 2024

Devarim - Untold Blessings of Moshiach

What is the concept of the miraculous multiplication of the numbers of the Jewish people? Why does Hashem say He will judge the Egyptians with 'two letters' but then ultimately they are judged with 72 letters? Why did Hashem not reveal to Avraham that his children would eat the Manna in the wilderness for 40 years? Why did Hashem say Avraham's offspring would be 'as great as the stars' but ultimately, they were even greater than that? Why do both Dovid Hamelech and Moshe Rabenu fear coming 'into judgment' with the nation that they lead? What is the idea of the Jewish people being 'like their Master (Hashem)' in the future time? What is the unique blessing that is given to the Jewish people through their trust in Hashem and their study of Torah?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:23

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