Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Musical Pesach Seder

About two years ago, I sang for an album that was being recorded of the Bostoner Rebbe's Pesach Seder Niggunim. I had a great time doing it, and enjoyed the songs very much.

I didn't actually get a chance to hear the final product, and forgot about it until a little before Pesach last year when I came across the album on a music site. I listened to the samples, and the songs started to come back to me a little. I wasn't able to get a hold of the CD then, but finally this year, I saw the Rebbe's son at a chasuna I sang last week, and was able to finally hear the album.

It is a fun album, which consists of about 27 songs from the Seder, from the classic Kadesh-urchatz to Echad mi yodea, as well as some tunes that are off the beaten track. It's nice to get into the spirit of Pesach (if the cleaning doesn't suffice for you) with the album in the background.

You can listen to some samples and purchase the CD by clicking on this link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...