Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Bitachon 189 - Moshiach's Success is Hashem's

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim passuk 7. Dovid Hamelech - the anointed of Hashem - speaks of the fact that he is a symbol of the way Hashem deals with those who trust in Him. He asks that Hashem always give him strength and success, even as he gets old and his natural strength wanes - so that all will see and take to heart that Hashem is the strength behind all his successes.

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Running time: 19:53

Friday, December 27, 2024

Mikeitz - Will Moshiach Really Come?

Why did Yosef get forgotten for two years and languish in jail, despite the salvation seeming to be so close? 'Who could have waited' for him to get out of jail? How does this parallel the story of Avraham and Sarah who waited so long for children? How does this theme repeat in the lives of Rus, Dovid, and the Jewish people themselves? What is the Keitz - the defined end - and how can it be that all of evil will be totally destroyed?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:03

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Bitachon 188 - Hold On 'Til the End

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim pesukim 5 and 6. Dovid Hamelech speaks of the faith he had starting as a small child - the rejection of his family, which was a great trauma - was an opportunity for him to develop greater Bitachon in Hashem. He held onto this faith throughout the times of darkness, until he ultimately reached the light.

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Running time: 21:14

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Vayeshev - Moshiach Unfolds Quickly

What is the meaning of the details of the dream of the Sar Hamashkim (cupbearer) of Pharaoh that were not explained in Yosef's interpretation? Why did Yosef interpret that dream positively while interpreting the baker's dream negatively? What is represented by the vine and three branches, as well as the quick flowering, budding and ripening of the grapes? Why does it say the word 'cup' four times in this context? What is the idea of the Cup of Salvations for the Jewish people, alongside the Cup of Retribution for the nations of the world? What are represented by the three baskets and the upper basket of the dream of the baker?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 28:57

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Bitachon 187 - Israel Starts as the West Ends

We continue our study together in chapter 71 of Tehillim, now moving on to pesukim 5 and 6. Here Dovid Hamelech speaks of the faith he had starting as a small child, which parallels the faith of the Jewish people as they are in their infancy, developing as a nation in Egypt. This faith sustains us until the end of time where the people of Israel rise on the 'heels,' or the ultimate downfall of the world of Esav - the West.

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Running time: 22:05


Friday, December 13, 2024

Vayishlach - 600,000 Angels of Protection

Why were the angels dancing in circle formation as Yaakov returned to Israel? What is the significance of the fact that there 600,000 of them? What is the idea of the 'encampment' of these angels that serves as a chariot for the manifestation of Hashem's Divine Presence? Why does Yaakov send some of these angels to his brother Esav? How do these angels parallel the amount of Jews who were standing at Har Sinai to receive the Torah and at Yam Suf when the sea split? How do these same angels manifest in the times of Elisha Hanavi? Why is Yaakov concerned when Shimon and Levi decimate the inhabitants of Shechem and say that 'we don't yet have 600,000 members of Am Yisrael?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:06

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Bitachon 186 - Moshiach Rises From Chaos

We continue our discussion of the passuk in Tehillim 71 passuk 1 which includes a prayer that we not be embarrassed forever, just as we request in the bracha of Al Hatzadikim. This lack of embarrasment indicates that both individually and nationally (with the advent of Moshiach), we are raised up to a position of honor as our enemies all fall into chaos to the point that they can no longer pose a threat to us.

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Running time: 24:14

Friday, December 6, 2024

Vayetzei - Moshiach Comes Early

Why did the sun set early as Yaakov left his parents' home and headed into exile? Why did Yaakov have to leave Israel in order to find his wives and start his family, whereas his father Yitzchak stayed and his wife was brought to him? What is the significance of the sun setting early as Yaakov is chased by Esav? Why is Yaakov called 'the Sun?' Why are the two hours of the sun's early setting 'returned' to Yaakov when he comes back to Israel? How do these occurrences parallel the exile and redemption of the Jewish People? Why is Yaakov called the 'day' while Esav is called the 'night?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:38

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Bitachon 185 - Torah Merits Moshiach

We study Tehillim chapter 71 passuk 1 which speaks of the fact that we trust in Hashem and we will not be embarrassed forever. One understanding of this is that as we go through the challenges of Exile, we accept them and thereby merit to experience redemption. It is also the merit of the Torah that brings Moshiach.

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Running time: 19:43