Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bitachon 138 - Surrounded with Protection

We continue studying the passuk in Tehillim ch. 32 passuk 10 which speaks of the pain of the wicked, who have turned away from Hashem and are busy seeking to fill their physical desires. This contrasts with the righteous who, through their bitachon, are aware that they already have all they need, and they are surrounded by Hashem's kindness and protection.

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Running time: 21:44

Friday, November 24, 2023

Vayetzei - Jerusalem's Inspiration

Why does the Torah give us so much detail around the scene when Yakov arrives in Charan - the well, the three flocks, the rock that closes the well, how it was rolled off through a group effort? How does each of these elements parallel the well in the wilderness, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the Synagogue? How do we draw life giving inspiration in each of these circumstances and how does this inspiration last from the time it was initiated over 3000 years ago down until today?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Bitachon 137 - Bitachon When We Sin?

We explore the passuk in Tehillim (Psalms) chapter 32 passuk 10, which speaks about the many pains and trials of the wicked person and how kindness surrounds the one who trusts in Hashem. We delve into the possibility that even a wicked person can employ bitachon, despite his wickedness, or perhaps because his faith turns him back from his evil ways.

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Running time: 21:58

Friday, November 17, 2023

Toldos - Esav vs. Yakov - External vs. Internal

Why did Gehenom enter into the room with Esav after Yakov left and had procured his blessings? Who is the one for whom that punishment is reserved? Why did Esav keep trapping animals and the angel kept releasing those animals? What is the reason why the food Yakov served Yitzchak to receive the brachos had 'every taste?' What does this have to do with the Manna, and with the six days of Creation and with the World to Come? How does this 'every taste' parallel the state of Yakov at the 'center' whereas Esav and the other nations of Exile represent directions away from the center?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:39

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Bitachon 136 - End of Exile

We continue exploring ch 31 verse 25 which speaks of the strengthening of the heart that occurs when we trust in Hashem. And this is especially important to face off with the many challenges that the Jewish people have endured throughout the millenia.

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Friday, November 10, 2023

Chayei Sarah - Yishmael's Final Fall

Why does the Torah first use a language of 'Shachan' to mean 'dwelling' and then 'Nafal,' which usually means to fall? What changed for Yishmael after Avraham's death? What is the difference between Yishmael and his offspring and how will that play out in the end of days? Why do the people of Edom and Yishmael try to claim the 'beauty of G-d' - the Holy Temple on the Temple Mount? Why do the Jewish people endure challenges and difficulties, sometimes fairly and sometimes unjustly, at the hands of the nations of the world? How are they ultimately paid back for the evil they did, beyond the call of justice? What are we to focus on in our times as we strive to make sense of current events?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:41

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Bitachon 135 - Israel's Enemies Are a Facade

We continue in ch 31 passuk 15 of Tehillim which speaks of two names of Hashem - one denoting Hashem's kindness, and one His judgment. We learn that Dovid hamelech was saying that the challenges that he faced with his enemies had nothing to do with his enemies, but only to do with his relationship with Hashem.

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Friday, November 3, 2023

Vayera - Israel's Eternal Promise

How does the promise Hashem made to Sarah that she would conceive parallel the promise Hashem made to the Jewish people of their final redemption? Why did the miracle birth take a typical nine months instead of taking place immediately? Why was Sarah first abducted by Avimelech before Hashem kept His promise to Sarah? How does this parallel what will happen to the Jewish people? Why were Avimelech's wives unable to give birth at that time? Why were the 'trees of the field' all made aware of this situation and how do they correspond to the nations of the world? Why do Avimelech and the nations of the world need to fall in order for Avraham, Sarah and the nation of Israel to be raised up?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.