Friday, June 25, 2021

Balak - 14th Anniversary! The Little Things

What is the idea behind the 'little mitzvahs' that provide big protection? How does the 'little' mitzvah of washing one's hands provide long life? Why do we learn this lesson from such seemingly unlikely stories? Why did Bilaam realize he was unable to curse the Jewish people? How do we become partners with Hashem? Where do we see that His name is in our name?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 23:18

Friday, June 18, 2021

Chukas - Purity from Impurity

Why is the formula to purify a person who has come in contact with the dead so full of hints to judgment - red and fire? Why does this purity come about by causing impurity to the Kohen who is performing the process? Why does Avraham, a great righteous individual, come from the wicked Terach? Why do we find similar situations with righteous kings who were sons of wicked kings? Why does the people of Israel find its formation in the womb of the outside world, which is filled with idolatry and false ideology? Why does the tzara'as-leprosy contaminate in a small amount, but is considered pure when it covers the entire body?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 20:13

Friday, June 11, 2021

Korach - Beginning and End

What is the depth behind the sons of Korach who will be raised out of their place in Gehinom in the future? What is the connection between this and the idea of the double letters in Hebrew that have different versions in the middle and end of the word? How do these double letters indicate a concept relating to redemption and Moshiach? How do each of these five letters have to do with the forefathers and the redemption from Egypt and the future redemption? How does this relate to the 40 years that were a punishment for 40 days?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 28:37

Friday, June 4, 2021

2 More Gematrias for 5781

famous passuk ירמיה ל״ג:כ״ה

כה אמר ה׳ אם לא בריתי יומם ולילה חקות שמים וארץ לא שמתי

So says Hashem: If not for my covenant, day and night, I would not have placed the laws of the heavens and earth

לא שמתי = תשפ״א

מלאכי פרק ג פסוקים א-ב

הנני שלח מלאכי ופנה דרך לפני ופתאם יבוא אל היכלו האדון אשר אתם מבקשים ומלאך הברית אשר אתם חפצים הנה בא אמר ה׳ צבאות

ומי מכלכל את יום בואו ומי העמד בהראותו כי הוא כאש מצרף וכברית מכבסים

Behold I am sending my angel/messenger (Eliyahu) and he will clear the path before Me, and suddenly the Master (Hashem) will come to His sanctuary, the One you are seeking, the angel of the covenant (Eliyahu) that you desire is coming, says Hashem, Lord of Hosts.

Who will sustain the day He comes, who will stand when He is revealed, for He is like a forming fire, like a powerful cleansing agent that cleans.

העמד בהראותו כי הוא = תשפ״א

Shlach - Angels and Messengers

What is the essence of a good messenger? Why was Pinchos able to make himself invisible as he was involved in his spying activity? Why were the spies in our parsha viewed negatively (in their perception)? What is the nature of the final messenger (Eliyahu Hanavi) who will be sent immediately before Hashem reveals Himself to the world? How does the desire for Eretz Yisrael constitute the essence of what we are 'sent' to do in our service of Hashem? How can we be true messengers and 'angels' of Hashem?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 27:25