Thursday, May 27, 2021

Behaaloscha - Songs for Hashem

What is the concept of the 7 stringed, 8 stringed and 10 stringed instruments of the Levites in the Temple? Why do they correspond to this world, the Messianic age and the World to Come? Why were they assigned by King David and the prophet Samuel? Why do we speak of stringed instruments when there are also monotonal wind instruments? Why are the Levites 'beloved to Hashem?' What is the idea of the unique aspect of the Levites of singing to Hashem?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 21:04

Friday, May 21, 2021

Naso - Protecting Our Land

What is the depth behind the vow of the Nazir who promises not to drink wine? What were the mistakes of the Northern kingdom of Israel and how did it contrast to the mistakes of the Southern kingdom of Judah? Why do the Jewish people lay claim to our great people - wealthy, wise and strong - in the face of the claims of the nations of the world? How do we protect our special and exalted Land of Israel of onslaught, and prevent the exile of our people? What is the message of the Nazir, who protects him or herself from the sins that can come with wine?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 24:42

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Bamidbar - Of Mountains and Valleys

Why does the Torah go into such detail in describing the location and specific date that Hashem commanded Moshe to count the Jewish people? What is the idea that righteousness is associated with a mountain, while judgment and wickedness are associated with a pit of darkness? What is the relationship between the darkness that the wicked people seek to cloak their deeds and the darkness of this place of depth? Why does Hashem shroud the date of the destruction of the Temple with vagueness, while in contrast, bringing great detail to the date of the counting, which connotes the greatness of the Jewish people?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 20:27

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Some Interesting Gematrias for 5781 (תשפ״א)

I know that you can find gematrias for any year relating to Moshiach.

But we need chizuk now. So I am posting these that I noticed.

כי בא כי בא לשפוט הארץ = תשפ״א

Right after the passuk in this past week's parsha (Bechukosai) that says וזכרתי את בריתי יעקב... the next passuk starts with the two words והארץ תעזב which is gematria תשפ״א (see the Ramban there if you want to be blown away)

Today I came across the passuk in Yeshaya talking about the battle of Yishmael and Esav אמר שמר אתא בוקר - the "Watchman" (Hashem) said that the morning is nigh (referring to geulah). אמר שמר = תשפ״א (See ישעיה פרק כ״א) 

And lastly, it's time to work on Bitachon. I find this song to be helpful. (I'm biased, it's mine...)

Friday, May 7, 2021

Behar-Bechukosai - Share the Wealth

What is so special about the regular talk of the people of Eretz Yisrael (Israel)? What is the unique message of the poor person who was once rich? What is the wrong approach to the poor person? What happens to the rich person who can't share his wealth and belittles the poor man? What is the proper approach when it comes to sharing the Torah and talent that one is blessed with?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 20:18