Friday, January 29, 2021

Beshalach - The Manna, Emunah, and the Miracle

Why do the nations say that the Jewish people will die when they enter the wilderness? How do they see that they are wrong? What is the idea behind the amazing number of 60 cubits, which is how high the Manna piled up as it rained down? What is the idea of the word matar-rain? Why do the nations look on, but are unable to partake of the great feast that the Jewish people enjoy in the future? How does one merit to experience the miraculous expansion in one's life?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:03

Friday, January 22, 2021

Bo - The Month, the Moon and the Light

Why are the commandments of Pesach given on the first day of the month of Nissan? What is the connection between the New Moon and the Full Moon? Why do we refer to the night of the 14th of Nissan as 'Ohr' - 'Light?' Why does the Midrash refer to the last 3300 years as the time of our betrothal to Hashem, and the times of Moshiach as the marriage? Why are the Jewish people redeemed at night? What is the concept of the mitzvah of 'hachodesh hazeh lachem' - this is your month? How does this month constitute a full unit?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast

Running time: 22:32

Friday, January 15, 2021

Vaera - Moshe, Moshiach and the Downfall of Trump

Why does Moshe begin the redemption process, only to be faced with a setback that seems to makes things worse for the Jewish people? Why does the redemption process need to start with Rachamim-mercy that is clothed in Din-judgment? Why does Hashem have compassion on Moshe despite Moshe's challenge to Him? What is the idea behind the Din-judgment being directed at the Egyptians, and the Rachamim-mercy being directed at the Jewish people? Why does a great friend of the Jewish people have to experience such a downfall? How are we to approach the seemingly positive movement in our times toward a positive recognition of the Jewish people, contrasted with the seemingly impending reversal of all that good? How does the process described in the original redemption parallel how the ultimate redemption will play out?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:17

Friday, January 8, 2021

Shemos - Zeh Keili - He Believes In Me

What is behind the future tense of the verse that says 'as per how much they were caused pain, so they will become great and so they will expand?' What was the plan of the Egyptians in raising the quota of the Jews and causing them to sleep in the field? How did Hashem thwart this plan? How were the Jewish babies raised out in the field? Who was the mysterious 'Young Man' who took care of them? When did they 'see' the Young Man again? How do the words 'Zeh Keili' (This is my God) refer to the idea that He believes in me?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:41

Friday, January 1, 2021

Vayechi - Forgiveness and Consolation

What is the amazing power of Yosef's forgiveness for his brothers? What is Yosef's consolation to them and how does he explain that he could never and would never want to harm them? How does this parallel the future consolation that Hashem will console the Jewish people before the advent of the age of Moshiach?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 20:26