Why did Bilaam attain prophecy if he was just an 'ordinary' magician? Why do the nations of the world complain and how does Bilaam serve as their prophet? What is the difference between the approach of Bilaam and the nations as opposed to Moshe and the Jewish people? How does Moshe have the ability to remain humble despite his greatness, while Bilaam immediately falls?
Why do the Jewish people sing a song at the end of their 40 years for the miraculous well that accompanied them throughout that time? What were the awesome miracles that occurred at this time that paralleled the miracles at the Yam Suf (sea of reeds)? Why were the waters of the well used to inform the Jewish people about the miracle that had been done for them? Why did the mountain on the side of Israel extend out toward the mountain outside of Israel? Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast. Running time: 21:06
How were the sons of Korach saved from the depths of Gehenom? Where do we see their 'thoughts of repentance?' How did Moshe spark these very thoughts? Why does Korach return to life in the future world? What is the lesson for us in all of this? Find out in this week's parsha podcast. Running time: 24:26
Who was included in the decree of wandering and dying in the wilderness for 40 years? What is the idea that some were decreed for death, but in the end did not die? How does this parallel the darkness of exile and the claim of the nations of the world to have replaced the Jewish people as chosen by God? What is the idea behind the atonement of Yom Kippur? How can one gain atonement even without repentance? What is the power of waiting?