Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pekudei - Spiritually Infused Livelihood

Why does the Mishkan seem to construct itself? Why does the Torah use similar language in regards to the way the Mishkan was constructed and the way that work is to be done during the six days of the week? How does one infuse one's livelihood with this aspect of the mishkan, where it is done on its own?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 21:58

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dovid, Yosef, the sixth hour and the seventh hour

I thought that title would get your attention. And, to boot, this is post number 607. Cool. Someone recently left a comment on the blog that they miss my moshiach messages. I wrote back that the messages are still there, you just have to know how to hear them.

I don't need to say too much, but I will say that if you listen carefully to this parsha podcast, you will get a good idea of where we are holding and we are headed. It also has the potential to explain a lot of what is going on now. But you will have to put all the old pieces together to get it. If you listen carefully, you will understand why I don't blog or speak too much about Moshiach anymore. But I explained that before. Review is good.

In any event, here's how the podcast appears everywhere else I've put it up:

Vayakhel - Moshiach, Mishkan and Shabbos (21:42)
What is the significance of the fact that all that was done in constructing the Mishkan (tabernacle) is the foundation of the prohibitions on Shabbos? What is the difference between the service of Hashem through the Mishkan as opposed to Shabbos? How is Shabbos connected to Dovid and Moshiach ben Dovid, as opposed to the Mishkan, which is connected to Yosef and Moshiach ben Yosef? Why is the Mishkan the atonement for the sin of the Golden Calf? What is the depth of the fact that the sin occurred at the end of the sixth hour, when Moshe was late in returning? What was at the root of the sin of the Golden Calf?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ki Sisa - Light Your Unique Flame

What is the concept of the counting of the Jewish people? Why are we to be counted if it entails danger? Why, indeed, is there danger in counting Jewish people? What is the concept of the 'flame of one's heart' that is somehow an expression of the light of Hashem? How does one balance his own light with the light others are meant to shine?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 19:51

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tetzaveh - Do We Have Free Will?

If God is all-knowing, how do we have free will? What is the significance of the miracle of the western candle of the menorah that always stayed lit? Why did the kohen gadol start lighting and end lighting there? What is the significance of the fact that Moshe could not succeed in forming the menorah? What is the relationship between the number seven - as represented by the seven-armed menorah - and the numbers eight and fifty?

Find out in this week's parsha podcast.

Running time: 21:54