Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Succos - Gog Umagog Brings Order

Why is the war of Gog Umagog (Armageddon) associated with the holiday of Succos, such that we read to Haftaros from sections in Tanach that speak of it? Why do the Romans and Persians claim that they helped the Jewish people in their exile, when in truth they only helped themselves? Why do they get the mitzvah of Succah and then kick it as they leave because of the heat? What is the idea of the Clouds of Hashem's Glory which accompanied us in the wilderness, and will protect us in the future time of Moshiach? Why is the idea of the Simchas Beis Hasho'eva (rejoicing in the water drawing) a central theme of Succos, and how does it relate to the future time when men and women are in separate groups as they mourn for the death of Moshiach ben Yosef?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 35:10

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Call of Moshiach 4 - Bring Moshiach Now

We continue reading from Em Habonim Semeicha and among the topics, we discuss how we can be part of the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael and thereby be part of bring Moshiach actively.

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Running time: 15:45

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Yom Kippur - Pray for Am Yisrael

What was the content of the special prayer of the High Priest on the holiest of days in the holiest place on Earth? What is the concept of bracha-blessing? What was unique about the approach of Moshe generally and how did this contribute to his ability to give the blessings he gave to the entire Jewish people? Why is the blessing specifically given at the end of his life, and why do we seek these blessings as we complete a year and begin a new year? How can we merit a good year for ourselves and for all of the people of Israel?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:38

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Bitachon 178 - We Can Always Return

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 61 passuk 4, where Dovid Hamelech speaks of Hashem being his protection, a fortress of strength from his enemies. Among other ideas we explore is the idea that Dovid does not depend on Hashem for his own sake, but rather he asks Hashem to show his greatness for His own sake. This parallels the idea that we can always return to Hashem, for even if we've done wrong, He waits for us to return and does not lose faith in us.

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Running time: 18:56

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Call of Moshiach 3 - The Time is Now

In this podcast, we continue our discussion with the precedent for Am Yisrael to be saved by someone who does not seem to be a righteous individual, as represented by Yiftach HaGiladi. We also explore the idea of the call of Ezra and Nechemia who called the Jews back from their 70 year exile in Babylon, and the very few who heeded the call, although the 2nd Beis Hamikdash (Temple) was already rebuilt. We are charged not to make the same mistake.

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Running time: 19:30

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Haazinu-Rosh Hashana - Rising to the Heavens

Why does Moshe speak to the Heavens before the Earth, as if to say he is closer to the upper spheres? Why does it seem that Moshe has reversed the order, where the Heaven is supposed to be for Hashem while the Earth is meant for mankind? Why does Moshe demand of the Heaven to listen if that would seem to stop it from saying Hashem's praises? What is the idea of the mouth, heart and ears of the Heavens? How does the Shofar serve to encourage Hashem to stand up from His throne of judgment and sit, instead, on His throne of Divine Mercy? What is the idea of the Shofar in relationship to the root Sh-F-R which denotes beautification? How does the narrow end of the Shofar denote judgment and the wide end denote mercy?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:19

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Call of Moshiach 2 - Moshiach is Happening

In this second episode of the Call of Moshiach podcast, we continue discussing the description from the passuk in Yeshaya which tells of Hashem's 'whistling' to Am Yisrael - hinting to us to initiate the ingathering of the exiles - and how the Moshiach comes through the leadership of 'impure birds.'

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Running time: 15:58

Friday, September 27, 2024

Nitsavim-Vayelech - Israel's Unstoppable Goal

Why is a significant portion of this week's parsha referred to as the 'parsha of redemption?' Why is the central theme of the 'parsha of redemption' the theme of Teshuva-repentance, which is followed by the return of the Jewish people to Israel? What are the steps to teshuva, how does it start, and does one do it completely? What is the central reason why the 'lazy man' referred to by Shlomo Hamelech gives so many excuses not to hear the Torah teaching of his teacher? What is the central and simple theme that Moshe teaches us as the antidote for this 'laziness?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:52

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bitachon 177 - Israel is Doubly Protected From Her Enemies

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 57 passuk 2, which has a doubling of the word Chaneni - give me grace - and a doubling of the request to protect me. This denotes the double request of Dovid Hamelech for both spiritual and physical safety.

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Running time: 21:47

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Call of Moshiach 1 - Getting the Hints

In this first episode of the Call of Moshiach podcast, we are introduced to the sefer "Em Habonim Semeicha" which gives us the description from the passuk in Yeshaya which tells of Hashem's 'whistling' to Am Yisrael - hinting to us to initiate the ingathering of the exiles.

Runing time: 16:49

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