Sunday, September 29, 2024

Call of Moshiach 2 - Moshiach is Happening

In this second episode of the Call of Moshiach podcast, we continue discussing the description from the passuk in Yeshaya which tells of Hashem's 'whistling' to Am Yisrael - hinting to us to initiate the ingathering of the exiles - and how the Moshiach comes through the leadership of 'impure birds.'

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Running time: 15:58

Friday, September 27, 2024

Nitsavim-Vayelech - Israel's Unstoppable Goal

Why is a significant portion of this week's parsha referred to as the 'parsha of redemption?' Why is the central theme of the 'parsha of redemption' the theme of Teshuva-repentance, which is followed by the return of the Jewish people to Israel? What are the steps to teshuva, how does it start, and does one do it completely? What is the central reason why the 'lazy man' referred to by Shlomo Hamelech gives so many excuses not to hear the Torah teaching of his teacher? What is the central and simple theme that Moshe teaches us as the antidote for this 'laziness?'

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:52

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bitachon 177 - Israel is Doubly Protected From Her Enemies

We study together the passuk in Tehillim chapter 57 passuk 2, which has a doubling of the word Chaneni - give me grace - and a doubling of the request to protect me. This denotes the double request of Dovid Hamelech for both spiritual and physical safety.

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Running time: 21:47

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Call of Moshiach 1 - Getting the Hints

In this first episode of the Call of Moshiach podcast, we are introduced to the sefer "Em Habonim Semeicha" which gives us the description from the passuk in Yeshaya which tells of Hashem's 'whistling' to Am Yisrael - hinting to us to initiate the ingathering of the exiles.

Runing time: 16:49

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ki Savo - For Hashem's Sake

Why does the Torah use a double language in speaking of the blessings that come 'when we listen?' What is the idea of learning and engaging in spiritual pursuits for Hashem's sake? Why should one pass through two doors when entering the Shul or House of Study? Why is one rewarded for this, and what is meant when the midrash says that one who does so will experience the presence of Hashem? Why do the blessings follow these actions? What is the idea behind the statement of our sages that acts done for the sake of Hashem rise up above the heavens, but acts done superficially have a limit to how far they rise?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bitachon 176 - Layers of Protection

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 12 where King David says that he praises 'Elokim' - the name of Hashem which denotes His attribute of Divine Justice - this indicates that when difficult times arise, we are 'paying off' the debt we owe, and can actually be more confident in Hashem's protection.

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Running time: 21:48

Friday, September 13, 2024

Ki Seitze - Moshiach Comes When We Go To The Root

What is the depth of the mitzvah of the sending away the mother bird if one wants to take the chicks or the eggs? Why do we 'honor' the mother bird in 'the merit' of her children? How is the mitzvah of sending away the mother bird related to respecting one's father and mother? Why does the Midrash state that fulfilling this mitzvah leads to the coming of Moshiach? What is the idea of 'sending' that is found both in the context of the mother bird as well as Moshiach? Why does Yaakov talk so much about his future offspring when he returns to Israel and encounters Esav? How does Yaakov counter Esav's claim of having respected his father by talking about his offspring? Why does the mitzvah of honoring one's parents come in the context of keeping Shabbos?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 33:52

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bitachon 175 - Facing Any Challenge

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 12 where King David says that he praises 'Elokim' - the name of Hashem which denotes His attribute of Divine Justice - this verse, while it is similar to the one we learned previously, it exchanges the word 'basar' for 'adam' indicating that Dovid Hamelech is equally confident in the face of lesser and greater challenges that Hashem will come to his aid.

Running time: 22:13

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Friday, September 6, 2024

Shoftim - Justice Supports the World

What are some of the things that are important to work on as we come to the end of the year leading up to Rosh Hashana? What is the root of the idea that a judge can not be a relative of the person being judged? What is the power that bias holds over us in our daily judgments of others, and how can we overcome that bias? What is the significance of the the concept of 'mishpat'-justice referring to issues bein adam l'chavero-between man and his fellow? Why is this on of the foundations of the world and of Hashem's Throne of Glory?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 30:44

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Bitachon 174 - In The Pain Hashem Is There

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 56 passuk 5 where King David says that he praises 'Elokim' - the name of Hashem which denotes His attribute of Divine Justice - and in this acceptance of His ways there is a sense of confidence that Hashem will protect him from any human being who comes to cause him harm.

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Running time: 22:01