Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Bitachon 126 - King David Trusts in This

We continue our study in Tehillim chapter 27 passuk 3 - the very chapter we are reading now during Elul - L'dovid Hashem Ori. Dovid Hamelech refers to 'this' that he trusts in, despite the enemy encampments that surround him. 'This' refers to the Torah, to the light and guidance of Hashem, and His promise of help for those who trust in Him.

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Running time: 21:13

Friday, August 25, 2023

Ki Seitze - Push Away Negativity

What is the lesson we are to learn from 'what happened to Miriam' when we left Egypt? Why does negative speech cause the Divine Presence to leave us, Heaven forbid? How does focusing on the positive have the opposite effect - bringing Hashem into our lives, and bringing about salvation and Siyata Dishmaya? Why were the Jewish people unable to build the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) in the times of King Saul, even though they had the prerequisites of a king and had destroyed Amalek? How does negativity cause us to lose in battle, while positivity brings about victory?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:53

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Bitachon 125 - Bitachon for the Right Things

We study together ch. 26 passuk 1 which speaks of Dovid Hamelech's conviction of his straightness and confidence in Hashem. We study a few angles of this, but one of them is the importance of having Bitachon in Hashem specifically as regards our relationship with Hashem, and making sure we focus this powerful tool on our spiritual lives.

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Running time: 19:25

Friday, August 18, 2023

Shoftim - Getting Right With Others

What is greater - the sacrifices brought in the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) or proper judgment, justice and charity? Why are Tzedakah and Mishpat (charity and judgment) so central? Why did King David rejoice when people wished for the Beis Hamikdash to be built, even though it implied his own death, as it was his son who was destined to build it? Why does Hashem promise that Dovid Hamelech will live a full life - despite the fact that the building of the Beis Hamikdash will be delayed? What was Dovid's unique approach in judging peoples' court cases and how did he perform charity in the judgment?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 26:26

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Bitachon 124 - Prayer and Simplicity

We study together the pesukim at the end of chapter 25 in Tehillim (Psalms) which speak of Dovid Hamelech's prayer, which strengthens his Bitachon. We also speak of another tool he uses - going simply in the straight path of Hashem.

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Running time: 24:08

Friday, August 11, 2023

Reeh - Amassing Spiritual Power

Why does the Torah speak of a single mitzvah (commandment) when it refers to keeping all of the mitzvos? How does the mitzvah of Krias Shema (Hear O Israel) include all of the mitzvos? What is the unique spiritual power of this powerful statement? How do we strengthen the myriad angels that surround us and weaken the negative spiritual forces that threaten us? What is the announcement those negative forces make when they see we are true servants of Hashem? How does Krias Shema protect us from morning until night?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 27:49

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Bitachon 123 - Following King David's Lead

We continue with chapter 25 verse 3, the next verse, where Dovid Hamelech (King David) asks Hashem to not only support his own Bitachon, but also that He should respond to the hope of anyone who trusts in Him. We discuss the contrast between Bitachon-confidence versus Kivui-hope. We also talk about the difference between the people themselves and their righteous leaders.

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Running time: 22:49

Friday, August 4, 2023

Ekev - Hashem Keeps His Promises

What is the difference between the wicked, who experience a more immediate downfall, as opposed to the Righteous, whose reward is saved for them for a thousand generations? What do we learn from the story of R' Pinchas ben Yair, where he saved and replanted the grains that were given to him to watch, and returned a great storehouse of grain after seven years? How does this reflect the way Hashem repays us for our good deeds? What is the lesson of the story of the daughter of the well digger, who almost drowned, but was saved by the prayer of R' Pinchas ben Yair?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 29:20

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Bitachon 122 - Super Bitachon

We discuss the passuk in chapter 25 of Tehillim which speaks of how we can trust Hashem - for His sake - so that there not be a desecration of His name. We also hear the story of someone who I met who told me about his 'Super Bitachon' which got him a trip to Eretz Yisrael with his family, and how he was inspired by the song 'BiYerushalayim.'

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Running time: 19:31