Friday, October 29, 2021

Chayei Sarah - Transforming the Physical

What was so special about the Cave of Machpela that sparked both Avraham and Yaakov to go to such great lengths to acquire? What is the idea behind Avraham discovering the cave while in the midst of performing his kindness toward his guests? Why were Adam and Chava in the cave 'sleeping with a light above them and amidst a beautiful fragrance?' How is it possible to purify the physical body to the point that it shines with the light of the soul? How does the Cave of Machpela parallel this very concept?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 25:32

Friday, October 22, 2021

Vayera - Spreading Revelation

What is unique about the revelation of Hashem to Avraham immediately before Yitzchok is to be born? What is the idea behind the statement of the midrash that Avraham sat and 'Hashem stood?' What was Avraham's concern about the fact that visitors seemed to have stopped coming after he performed the bris? What is the idea behind Hashem's reassurance to Avraham - that He Himself came now? What does Avraham mean in his statement that if not for all the converts who also performed the bris, and if not for his speedy fulfillment of the command to perform the bris on his servants, that Hashem would not have revealed Himself in the same way?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 23:25

Friday, October 15, 2021

Lech Lecha - Through the Fire

Why does Hashem command Avraham in a seemingly reverse order - to leave his country, his family, his father's house? What is the analogy to the burning building which seems to have no one to care for it and douse the flames? What is Hashem's response when Avraham asks if He has forsaken mankind? Why is Avraham sent specifically to the land of Israel? Why was Avraham referred to as 'one who mends the tear?' How did Hashem decide that a nation would be built from him? What is the spiritual power of self sacrifice?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 22:21

Friday, October 8, 2021

Noach - Right Intentions

Why does the Torah speak of the children of Noach in the context of describing him as righteous? Why were the wicked of the generation of the flood so totally destroyed - what was their fundamental flaw? Why are intentions so important and how do they show up in the fruit or product of what one is producing later on? How is this expressed in one's children and the place one has in the World to Come?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 22:57

Friday, October 1, 2021

Breishis - World Foundations

Why does the Torah begin with the word 'Breishis,' which means the beginning of - without telling us the beginning of what it is talking about? What is the idea behind the Torah preceding the world by 2000 years? What are the four levels of it having been hidden and protected by Hashem in that time? What is the depth of the classic concept that Hashem used the Torah as a blueprint for creation? What is the significance of the name of the author of the Midrash, and how it is hinted to in the very first verse quoted in the midrash?

Find out in this week's Parsha Podcast.

Running time: 23:15